
1. 靖英语高手翻译一下,谢谢 Job applicants: (I candidates, did a professional job, resulting in more in line with my thinking.: Professional analysis of the character: ENFJ "outward emotional intuition to judge" Suitable areas: training, consulting, education, information dissemination, public relations, culture and the arts。
) Name: XX (girl) Nationality: Chinese year of birth: XX account: XX to live: in his capacity as Shanghai: Youth League of family: a mother of the father of one address: XX District XX Road "Work experience": XX Industrial Electronics Co., Ltd. - Customs Officers -- XX Packaging Co., Ltd. - Customs Officers -- XX International Trade Co., Ltd. - Customs Officers -- XX Electrical and Electric Co., Ltd. - Customs Officers -- Freelance (open) - store owner -- XX Trade Co., Ltd. - international trade documents -- "Summary": The production of documents in English, to government departments (customs), (the Customs and Excise accompanied inspection) process, and so on; (from the practice soon start to become an independent Customs and Excise Department is responsible for a number of areas, such as "River District 5," "Shanghai 16 Hong Kong deputies to "play); can (only a tam), (good cooperation), (positive efforts to solve problems); and familiar with computers and English at home and abroad with customers, good communication; the other is a little-Korea Language. 1. Entry and Exit is a highly efficient industry, which require careful and serious about the need for good communication and co-operation and problem-solving ability. 2. Yan Xu of students eager to learn the seriousness of the times, I served as a conscientious and responsible manner in this work; though his blunt nature, but to go out each day before work, careful examination will be carried documents turned over documents, carefully read the Also see; because I am responsible for the serious, often found on a process not found in small errors, correcting errors in a timely manner, for corporate and won the time, received by the customer; 3. In addition, often the needs and customs, commodity inspection, such as multi-client communication, training of good communication, agility and the ability to think; in some cases because of minor errors in documents inconsistent with the goods, the Customs officers will patiently explain, Reasonable to communicate so that the clearance of goods in and out smoothly throughout. "One of the advantages": \ Creative. (In the school as a publicity officer; after the recommendation of colleagues, but also for the creative business card company logo, and so on.) "Interests": To enjoy a variety of new exhibitions, swimming, music, reading, and so on. "Educational experience": XX City College of Foreign Trade and International Trade XX focus of the city of secondary school Customs XX city of five secondary schools "Research has a certificate": "Customs报关员资格certificate"; --- Shanghai General Administration of Customs "OA office automation computer certificate"; --- Office of the Shanghai Computer Application "Secretary of the five-level vocational skills certificate"; --- Shanghai Municipal Labor Bureau "Calligraphy Yingbi 3"; --- Shanghai Calligraphy Association "Computer ability": 1. OA OA certificate; 2. In addition to the computer WROD / EXCEL tools; Audition and many other good software; will be general maintenance software fault; "Foreign language": 1. English: basic listening, speaking, reading and writing ability; in English, reading and generally does not deal with the problem; oral communication skills; familiar with the documents of foreign trade. 2. Korean: simple spoken Korean. "Likes": A dignified life, serious work! "1-inch photo": Is the result of photo attachments, you do not know whether or not to receive e-mail. 。
2. 陈泽辉英文名怎么写 男宝宝名字:一峰;熠彤 (熠:光耀 彤:红色);明浩;兆金;伟诚 (伟:伟大 诚:诚实 );思奇;新林;启恩;煜城 (照耀城市);楷瑞 (楷:楷模;瑞:吉祥);思全;龙天;浩龙;迎浩;振铭;