
1. 小雨用英语怎么说 light rain
Light t Rain Shower 小阵雨
Light Showers Rain 小阵雨
Light t Rain with Thunder 小雨有雷声 ; 细雨有雷声
1、In the light rain to us under the acacia Acacia, Acacia we have this piece we enjoy ourselves.
在微雨的相思树下有我们的相思,我们的相思有这片相思林 。
2、Outside, in a light rain, Obama gave a short speech as he stood with Antoinette before a memorial to her brother.
博物馆外面,下着小雨,当他和安托瓦内特站在她弟弟的纪念碑前,奥巴马做一个简短演讲 。
英 ['dr?z(?)l] 美 ['dr?zl]
vi. 下毛毛雨
vt. 下毛毛雨
n. 细雨,毛毛雨
Light Drizzle 微雨 ; 细雨 ; 毛毛雨
Sweet Drizzle 甜蜜的小雨
英 ['spr??k(?)l] 美 ['spr??kl]
v. 撒,洒;用……点缀,在……中穿插;下小雨;零星分布
n. 撒,洒;少量,一点;稀疏小雨;(撒在糕饼上作装饰用的)彩糖,糖屑
water sprinkle 洒水
sprinkle wa 洒水 ; 把水洒 ; 撒上水
sprinkle over 星星点点地分布
2. 中雨的英语怎么写 Light rain 小雨
Moderate rain 中雨
Heavy rain 大雨
补充资料:Rainfall is measured in millimetres. It is usually described as light, moderate, or heavy rain, depending on how much has fallen. Zero millimetres of rain a day is no rain. The good news is that on these days, you won't get wet at all!
Light rain, which is up to 2.5 millimetres of rainfall an hour, isn't very wet. If you were caught in it, you'd only get a small sprinkling. You might not even need a raincoat. If you didn't want to get wet at all, an umbrella would keep you dry.
Moderate rain measures 2.5 to 7.5 millimetres of rain an hour. This amount of rain would make you wet if you were playing outside, and it would be easy to see. If you weren't wearing a raincoat, you'd get wet quickly. An umbrella would probably keep you dry.
If more than 7.5 millimetres of rain is falling an hour, meteorologists call it heavy rain. We might say "It's raining cats and dogs". A heavy shower will make you run for cover - fast. You'd get soaking wet, and it wouldn't be much fun. Heavy rain is the kind of weather that ducks like.

