
1. 血液的英文如何写;这个英文还有什么意思 blood [blQd] n. 血 ,  血液 ,  血统 v. 使(某人)先取得经验 blood blood AHD:[bl?d] D.J.[bl(d] K.K.[bl(d] n.Abbr. bld.(名词)缩写 bld. The fluid consisting of plasma, blood cells, and platelets that is circulated by the heart through the vertebrate vascular system, carrying oxygen and nutrients to and waste materials away from all body tissues. 血液:由血浆、血细胞和血小板组成的液体 , 由心脏驱动在脊椎动物的血管系统里循环 , 血液可将氧气和营养物质输送到全身的细胞组织中 , 并排放无用物质 A functionally similar fluid in animals other than vertebrates. 生命液:除脊椎动物以外的其他动物体内功能相当于血液的体液 The juice or sap of certain plants. 汁 , 液:某些植物的汁或液 A vital or animating force; lifeblood. 生命、源泉:维持生命所必需的力量、活力、生命液 Bloodshed; murder. 流血事件 , 谋杀 Temperament or disposition: 性情;脾气: a person of hot blood and fiery temper. 性情易怒 , 脾气暴躁的人 Descent from a common ancestor; parental lineage. 血统;血情;:源自于同一祖宗或父母血统 Family relationship; kinship. 家族关系 , 亲属关系 Descent from noble or royal lineage: 贵族血统、皇族血统的: a princess of the blood. 公主 Recorded descent from purebred stock. 良种 , 有记载的纯种出身 National or racial ancestry. 种族 , 民族 A dandy. 花花公子 Slang A youth who is a member of a city gang. 【俚语】 阿飞:城市中参加帮派的年轻人 n.attributive.(定语名词) Often used to modify another noun: 用于修饰名词: a blood transfusion; a Red Cross blood drive. 输血;红十字献血运动 v.tr.(及物动词) blood.ed, blood.ing, bloods To give (a hunting dog) its first taste of blood. 使(猎狗)先嗅过血腥味 To subject (troops) to experience under fire: 让(部队)受战火考验: “The measure of an army is not known until it has been blooded”(Tom Clancy) “军队是否精良要其历经战火考验后才可知晓”(汤姆·克兰西) in cold blood Deliberately, coldly, and dispassionately. 审慎地 , 冷淡地 , 缺乏激情地 Middle English blod 中古英语 blod from Old English bl?d * see bhel- 3 源自 古英语 bl?d *参见 bhel- 3 Blood Blood AHD:[bl?d] D.J.[bl(d] K.K.[bl(d] n.(名词) 【复数】 Blood或 Bloods A tribe of the Blackfoot confederacy inhabiting southern Alberta. 布拉德族:在南艾伯塔居住的黑脚族的一支部落 A member of this tribe. 布拉德人 。
2. "吸血鬼"用英语怎么说 vampire 英 ['v?mpa??] 美 n. 吸血鬼;[脊椎] 吸血蝙蝠 短语 Vampire Game 吸血游戏 ; 吸血 ; 吸血鬼游戏 Vampire Prosecutor 吸血鬼检察官 Vampire Chronicles 吸血鬼编年史 ; 吸血鬼列传 ; 吸血鬼传记 ; 吸血鬼纪事 扩展资料 同近义词 dracula 英 ['dr?kjul?] 美 n. 吸血鬼 , 又叫惊情四百年(电影名);德拉库拉(人名) 短语 dracula movie 恐怖片 ; 内容残酷 ; 恐怖的电影 ; 可骇片 Dracula Castle 德古拉城堡 ; 德古拉堡 ; 德拉库拉城堡图片 ; 吸血古堡 Operation Dracula 德古拉战机 ; 德古拉作战 例句 1、They dress up as ghosts, witches or frightening Dracula. 他们装扮成鬼、巫婆或者可怕的吸血鬼 。
2、In the novel, Dracula roams about in daylight, though his strength is weakened. 在小说里 , 吸血鬼在白天出没 , 虽然这时他的力量很弱 。3、The novel itself is an epistolary, written entirely in letters by its cast of characters, though Dracula himself is revealed only through the impressions of others. 这部小说本身是由主演以书信的形式记录的 , 虽然吸血鬼本身只能通过其他人想象才能显示出来 。