
1. “辣椒”的英文单词怎么说 chili一般特指红辣椒 。
pepper用来指胡椒粉,而不是辣椒 。capsicum是辣椒的学名,一般用于较为正式的研究报告中 。
cayenne用来泛指辣椒这一品种 。辣椒,又叫牛角椒、长辣椒、番椒、番姜、海椒、辣子、辣角、秦椒等,是一种茄科辣椒属植物 。
原产于中南美洲热带地区 。辣椒的果实通常呈圆锥形或长圆形,未成熟时呈绿色,成熟后变成鲜红色、黄色或紫色,以红色最为常见 。
扩展资料辣椒的起源 1492年,哥伦布大航海发现了新大陆,也带回了辣椒——这是辣椒从原产地走向世界的一步 。在之后的时间里,辣椒在欧洲开始小范围的传播,并逐渐通过海路来到中国,在东部沿海落脚 。
我国最早关于辣椒的记载是明代高濂的《遵生八笺》(1591年):“番椒丛生,白花,果俨似秃笔头,味辣色红,甚可观 。”(番椒生长的很茂密,花是白色的,果实好像秃笔头,味辣色红,甚是好看) 。
所以说,辣椒是在明末传入中国的 。参考资料:百度百科-辣椒-相关历史 。
2. 英语中辣椒都有哪几种表示方法 最通用的说法就是 pepper
比如bell pepper就是我们所说的不辣的柿子椒( 甜椒)
而red pepper就是红辣椒
1. cayenne n.牛角椒
2. capsicum n. 辣椒属(植物)
3. pimiento n. 大椒 (柿子椒的学名)
3. 辣椒的用处(用英语写)【英语辣椒怎么写】 Chili peppers (genus Capsicum) can be eaten fresh or dried, raw or cooked, alone or mixed with other foods. They add zest to any food—meat, poultry, seafood, starch, vegetable, fruit—whether eaten by themselves or as an ingredient in a prepared dish. Peppers are the most popular spice and condiment in the world. They are consumed daily by one-quarter of the world's population, and the rate of consumption is growing. Nonpungent or sweet peppers are also consumed as a vegetable, but are the less popular spice. All capsicums were pungent before being domesticated by prehistoric New World peoples and before the breeding of non-pungent (sweet) types. Peppers, both pungent and non-pungent, are the fruit of perennial shrubs that were unknown outside the tropical and subtropical regions of the Western Hemisphere before 1493, when Christopher Columbus returned from the first of his voyages in search of a western route to the East Indies. Although he did not reach those exotic spice lands as he had proposed, his return to Spain with examples of a new pungent spice discovered during his first voyage to the eastern coast of the Caribbean island of Espa?ola (Dominican Republic and Republic of Haiti) is well documented in his journal. Today capsicums are not only consumed as a spice, condiment, and vegetable; they also have many other uses—as coloring agents, in landscape design, as ornamental objects, in decorative design—and have great potential in the field of medicine. 。