
1. 这篇文章是英语的到现在也难评价.谁能评价就是大学生博士生.请评价【大学生的英语怎么写】 那么 , 我想试试看: 这篇文章是非常精辟的 , 文章提到 , 作者在12岁时就迷上了卡朋特 , “ I was hooked ”简单的三个单词 , 就可见对其之喜爱.句“Not a day goes by that I don't listen to one of their CDs.”无一日不听 , 可见其痴迷的痴迷程度.时光易逝 , 可句“I was and still am amazed by the songs and that voice. The talent that comes across in each song is just amazing.”中的“still ”与“amazing”表明作者仍对其非常喜爱.“ irreplacable”与句 “Thank you Richard and Karen for giving the whole world the best that the music world will ever hear” .则是作者对卡朋特至高无上的肯定:这是最棒的 , 无可取代的.句 “ I would like to start by saying how much Karen & Richard have influenced a lot of things in my life in many different ways.”说明卡朋特的音乐已经融入作者的生命中. “They both have such amazing talents, how can you describe in one sentence just how wonderful they are !”则是作者的惊叹 , 他认为怎能用一句话就表达出卡朋特兄妹的“wonderful”!句“What made the Carpenters music so special, and raises it above the earlier-mentioned'70s duos was that beneath the smiling sheen of the Capenters squeaky clean image, their toothy grins and matching sweaters, Karen Carpenter was battling pain and loneliness that her voice coudn't hide.”是本文中最长的一句话 , 它是对卡朋特介绍 , 写得朴实而不失光彩. 句“A fan once sighed with emotion, "Her songs are heavenly and her talent for songwriting is rare in this world ."其中heavenly是神圣的意思 , 写出了卡朋特的音乐之不可亵渎与历经年代 , 却经久不衰的光芒.”Would you agree?则很好的起到了互动的作用 , 增强渲染力! 本人只是初一学生 , 60字自己并没怎么算过 , 不好就删一些呗 , 基本每句和一些重点词都点评了 ,  , 熬出这篇文章很不容易啊!拜托作者采纳吧 。