
1. 帮忙用英文写段你晚上能在天上看到什么的文字,70个词左右就行【在天上英语怎么写】 夜晚的星空确实美丽极了 。姑且不说那一轮新月当空,皎洁如玉,含情脉脉,就是散布在天上的闪烁的星星也足以让你着迷了 。仔细观看,月亮在忽隐忽现的云层里穿梭,星星按照自己的位置坚守岗位,周而复始,世世代代 。宇宙无穷,人生有限,人类历史的发展谁能违背
客观规律?然而,为什么许多人有如天上不灭的星星,他们的精神、伟绩流传至今,甚至还会永远流传下去?星星眨了眨眼,好像在肯定我答案的正确 。此起彼伏的蛙鼓虫歌,似乎在启发我思路的豁然开朗 。
我们的祖辈正像这有名无名的星星,在艰苦中追求,在艰苦中探索,在艰苦中奋斗,有多少热,发多少光 。的确,人生是有限的,个人是渺小的,但我要使我的人生之流汇入历史长河,永远奔腾不息,永远流光溢彩 。
The sky at night is really beautiful with the crescent moon suspending upon the sky and shining just like the pure jade. She also looks like a lover who is exuding tenderness through her smiling eyes. It attracts you together with the numerous stars shining in the sky which scatter around the space. Getting a close look will amuse you by the moon shuttling in the flickering cloud and stars standing to their posts from age to age, going round and round. Infinite universe, but limited life, the objective laws could never been violated for human being.