
1. "瓢泼大雨“的英语怎么写 飘泼大雨 heavy rain,rain in torrents,rain cats and dogs,rain cat and dog, rain buckets,downpour 形容飘泼大雨,英文有句有趣的话:Raining cats and dogs.(直译是下猫下狗),这多用于进行时 。
It rains cats and dogs. 形容大雨倾盆,大雨如注,大雨哗啦不停歇 。不同的雨势英语有不同的形容词,例如下飘泼大雨可说:It's bucketing down. Bucket解‘桶’,意思就好像一桶桶水掉下来,或者说:It's pouring. 如果下毛毛雨英文叫drizzling,下骤雨叫shower,一点点微雨叫spitting 。
说飘泼大雨,英文还有其它常用语 。Torrents原意是‘激流’,常用来比喻大雨:The rain is coming down in torrents.(大雨如注,飘泼大雨)、What a torrential downpour !(多么大雨 !) 。
Downpour本身也是指大雨,The fields are flooded by the downpour.即‘大雨淹没了田野’ 。Pour是‘倒水’,所以It is pouring. 也有‘倾盆大雨’的意思 。
英文甚至有‘倾桶 (bucket) 大雨’:The rain is coming down in buckets. 或It is bucketing down. 例句: It was raining cats and dogs as he was leaving.他走时天正下着飘泼大雨 。No sooner had I gone home than it began to rain heavily.我一回到家里,就开始下起飘泼大雨来 。
The rain comes down in torrents (=rain in torrents) . 下倾盆大雨; 大雨; 大雨滂沱,飘泼大雨 pour:下倾盆大雨,如:It poured for four days.下了四天倾盆大雨 。pour down:倾泻 The rain pours down.大雨飘泼而下,大雨倾盆而下 。
rain buckets下倾盆大雨 driving rain 大风雨 hard rain 暴雨 rainstorm 暴风雨 rain down大量降下 rain on使大量降下 rain pitchforks下大雨 参考文献: / 。
2. 中雨的英语怎么写 Light rain 小雨
Moderate rain 中雨
Heavy rain 大雨
补充资料:Rainfall is measured in millimetres. It is usually described as light, moderate, or heavy rain, depending on how much has fallen. Zero millimetres of rain a day is no rain. The good news is that on these days, you won't get wet at all!
Light rain, which is up to 2.5 millimetres of rainfall an hour, isn't very wet. If you were caught in it, you'd only get a small sprinkling. You might not even need a raincoat. If you didn't want to get wet at all, an umbrella would keep you dry.
Moderate rain measures 2.5 to 7.5 millimetres of rain an hour. This amount of rain would make you wet if you were playing outside, and it would be easy to see. If you weren't wearing a raincoat, you'd get wet quickly. An umbrella would probably keep you dry.
If more than 7.5 millimetres of rain is falling an hour, meteorologists call it heavy rain. We might say "It's raining cats and dogs". A heavy shower will make you run for cover - fast. You'd get soaking wet, and it wouldn't be much fun. Heavy rain is the kind of weather that ducks like.
3. (雨)的英文怎么写 1. 雨布 yǔbù [waterproof cloth] 有遮雨性能和功用的布,如塑料布、油布 2. 雨带 yǔdài [rain belt] 降雨量相对大的区域 3. 雨滴 yǔdī (1) [rain]∶以滴的形式下落的水,特别是指从云中下落的 (2) [raindrop]∶雨点 4. 雨点 yǔdiǎn [raindrop] 从云中落下的水滴 雨点下得更密 5. 雨工 yǔgōng (1) [God controling rain] 雨师,古人迷信,指掌管下雨的小神 雨工也?——唐· 李朝威《柳毅传》 (2) 又 何为雨工 。
6. 雨过天晴 yǔguò-tiānqīng [sun shines again after the rain] 原为颜色名称,好像雨后初晴的天色 。现在则常用来比喻灾难或困难已成过去,情况已经好转 云开雾散,雨过天青,祖国前途,如花似锦 7. 雨痕 yǔhén [rain print] 雨点打在细砂、泥或粘土上形成的小浅坑,有时保留在沉积岩的层面上 8. 雨后春笋 yǔhòu-chūnsǔn [bamboo shoots after a spring rain] 大雨过后,春笋旺盛地长出来 。
比喻新事物蓬勃涌现 。9. 雨季 yǔjì [rainy season] 在一定的气候型中,一地区每年雨量最大的一个月或几个月的时期 10. 雨脚 yǔjiǎo [splash of rain on the ground] 随云飘行、长垂及地的雨丝 雨脚如麻 。