
1. "第二中学"用英语怎么说【中学用英语怎么写】 译法1:second middle school
译法2:No.2 high/middle School
1、学校名如果是作为专有名词,那么每个单词的首字母要大写 。
2、No.中的“o”要小写,“.”不能落下 。
例句:Yang Liwei was recruited into the army from the second middle school in Suizhong County in1983 and then trained as an excellent air pilot.
杨利伟是在1983年从绥中县第二高中被部队选拔培养后成为一名优秀的飞行员的 。
3、如果表达具体某个学校时,中英文在地址上翻译顺序是不同的,中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,从省份到中学 。英文翻译中则刚好相反,需要从中学到省份这样由小到大来翻译 。
例如:No. 1 Middle School, Wulian, Shandong Province,山东省五莲县第一中学 。
1、泛指中学时,用middle school 或者 high school 。
They recall the good buddies they used to have in middle school.
他们想起了过去上中学时的好伙伴 。
The entrance examinations to high school began yesterday morning.
中学入学考试昨天上午开始了 。
2、如果想表达的是初中中学,要用Junior high school,表达高中中学则用senior high school。
Her daughter studies in the third grade in a junior high school.
她的女儿在一所初级中学读三年级 。
As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.
十几岁时,他上了塔尔斯山高中 。
2. 【英语翻译1.自我上中学起,我一直在用英语写日记.(keepdiaries)2 1.Studying in the middle school oneself,I have been keeping a diary in English all the time .(keep diaries) 2.If you are foreign the star people is interested,why do not you go to have a talk with Ellen (be interested in) 3.French writers are very busy in these days.(particularly) 4.I am unable to make a cake,because our candy has been used up .(run out of) 5.Alison will participate in the marathon and raise the money as the gymnasium.(raise money for) 6.Up till now they have already sung for two whole hours.(so far) 。