
1. 【大虾们帮忙看看这段英文写得怎样吧.Teddy,SincethePEformshaven'【看看英文怎么写】 ^_^中国人应该看得懂的.我看你写得意思应该是你要去度假了,但是表格还没有收全,所以你想给老外打电话说让他帮忙给你收一下表格.这语气不像是留信,倒像是电话里说的,我帮你改写了下.Teddy,Because I will go for my annual leave from September 25th to 30th,but I have not got all of the PE forms by this time, so I want you do me a favor to finish collecting them. I will print a list of the received PE forms for you and put it on your table. Could you help me to do that?字条不能这么写.要把事态和时间改一下.参考下吧. 。