1. 自由用英语都怎么说 free
1、读音:英 [fri?] 美 [fri?]
2、语法:基本意思是“自由”,强调没有外部压迫,自己有权决定自己的行动 。在句中可用作定语、表语或补语 。用作定语时,一般后置,偶尔也可前置,用作表语时,其后可接动词不定式,也可接from、in、of、with等引起的短语 。
The prisoners wish to be free again 。
囚犯们希望重获自由 。
1、读音:英 [r?'li?s] 美 [r?'li?s]
2、释义:n. 释放;让渡;发行;自由 。
3、语法:把人或动物从某种束缚或痛苦中解放出来,使之继续自由活动,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后面常接介词from 。
The prisoner was questioned before his release 。
囚犯被释放之前受到了审问 。
2. 英语话题写作字数250左右,自由写点 Many people think students in university are too much free.But I think it's because they think students in university already are Minor.In fact most students have learned how to think and deal with their life in mind like as adult.So why not to give them enough freedom and understand?We have accepted all kinds of subject since us were sent to shool .Everyone know they are useful for us.Though even It's a too long and too hard time ,We nerver to complained.But when we became a university man ,We need interpersonal relationshipand experience of society than knowledge on book.So I think a academic environment that is free and humanization is better for university man.---------------我英语很渣,多看有没出错的地方,字数不知道够不,只能这样帮到你了 。
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