
1. 急求有关鲍比·温顿的英文介绍 Bobby Vinton has been called "the most successful love singer of the 'Rock-Era'" . (BILLBOARD MAGAZINE) Starting with his first hit release " Roses Are Red" in 1962 through 1972 (10 years) he had more #1 records than any other solo male artist. (BILLBOARD MAGAZINE)
Vinton's name has been synonymous with superstardom, a true survivor and today he continues to enjoy success as a top-rated performer. Today, Bobby is one of the few stars who is capable of headlining in Atlantic City and Las Vegas in addition to playing dates around the world. He has established himself as one of America's top concert performers and versatile entertainers. The hit songs Bobby has given us over the years have become classics. His impressive list of hits includes renowned love songs such as: ROSES ARE RED, BLUE VELVET, MR. LONELY and many more. His songs are recognized as standards throughout the world and his music has retained its vitality and relevance through our changing times. Bobby's hit-making capability was again evidenced with the release of MY MELODY OF LOVE, when it became the #1 song in the nation and was embraced by Polish Americans around the country as their new national anthem. Not long after, his best selling autobiography THE POLISH PRINCE was published. The phenomenal success Bobby experienced in the recording industry carried over to other areas of the entertainment world.
2. 芭比的英文怎么写【鲍比英文怎么写】 Barbie
美 ['bɑrbi]
n. 芭比(女子名);芭比娃娃(商标名)
Barbie Thumbelina 芭比之花仙子 ; 芭比之拇指姑娘 ; 芭比之大拇指密斯
Inventing Barbie 芭比娃娃诞生 ; 芭比娃娃降生
Barbie Fashionistas 芭比时尚达人系列娃娃 ; 芭比时尚达人系列
英 ['b?b?] 美 ['bɑbi]
n. 警察
n. (Bobby)人名;(英)博比
Bobby Brown 鲍比·布朗 ; 鲍比 ; 巴比布朗 ; 鲍比布朗
Bobby Zamora 鲍比·萨莫拉 ; 萨莫拉 ; 扎莫拉 ; 萨马拉
Bobby Ertanto 叶忠明
1、By the way, “Bobby” and I enjoy a cup of coffee at least once a week now.
顺便说一下,鲍毕和我现在每周至少有一次一起共品咖啡的机会 。
2、Bobby: Find a disco station for me and we can sit here together and laugh our heads off!
3、Well, I hope I can get Bobby back in this sack. He's starting to swell and come apart on me.
唉,我希望这个麻袋还能装得下博比,他已经开始发胀,似乎随时都会在我肩上散架 。
3. 杰森英文怎么写 杰森的英文:Jason、Jason的读音:[?d?es?n] 。
1.Jason aims at becoming an astronaut.
杰森立志要当宇航员 。
2.Or it may represent Jason's fears about growing up.
或者代表杰森害怕长大 。
Jason名字性别男孩英文名 。
Jason来源语种奥里吉纳尔 。
Jason名字寓意知识丰富的,细心,善于分析,有灵性 。
Jason相似英文名Jas 杰丝、Jasmin 杰思敏、Jasmina 贾米娜、Jasmine 贾斯敏 。
Jason 是张杰的英文名 。张杰是2004年我型我秀冠军 2007年快乐男声第4名 。
Jason Lynn 是歌手林静楦的英文名 。
Jason Mraz是著名的歌曲《I'm Yours》的演唱者 。
4. 李兵英文怎么写 李兵的英文是Li Bing 。
中文名字最标准的英文写法就是直接翻译成汉语拼音: Li Leyang或 Lee Yeyang
西方人的习惯是名字在前,姓在后,二者间如果有中间名(Middle name),Middle name一般用简写,中国人如果有英文名字,在正式的场合可以参照这种模式 。
如果没有英文名字,那么应该按照中国人的习惯(姓在前名字在后)直接把中文名字翻译成汉语拼音作为英文写法 。很典型的例子,奥运会上,所有中国运动员的名字在运动衣上都是这样翻译的(以前不是,后来国家颁布了《汉语拼音方案》,并解释到《汉语拼音方案》是拼写中文人名地名唯一标准后,统一改过来了),所以,中国人名字的英文写法,就是汉语拼音:姓在前,名在后,姓和名分开写,姓和名的开头字母均大写 。