
1. 如何翻译英语“过桥”,英语大师请帮忙,很困扰我的 先肯定你的老师讲的是对的 。
1)你的问题是对'cross the bridge'中的'cross'是否弄明白了(包括前面许多朋友) 。'cross'是动词,它的意思是‘横过’,从某一个横向的方向越过,形成交叉 。如果不明白,再看看它的名词解释:‘十字,交叉,十字架,十字形物’就应当明白了 。‘十’中的横向是河,你从纵向的越过 。那么,你是过不了河的,只有桥才能越过河,对吗?如果,说成'i cross the bridge.',形成了你与桥交叉,你觉得这句话逻辑通吗?
2)问题比较严重的是:'over the bridge'中的'over'是介词(只能作介词),意思是在某物或某个区域的上方 。要用'over the bridge',前面必须要考虑的动词的动作表示出从上方越过,例如:fly 。前面有位朋友用了'go over the bridge',错了 。只能用这位朋友自己的句子'go across the bridge'才对 。
【过桥英语怎么写】前面‘琛の心永恒【’写得比较对,只是没有讲解 。我不肯定其他朋友都对!!
若再不清楚,请看一看‘新概念英语’第一册的前30课 。其中有一课专门对过桥做了非常清楚的解释和用法 。
这些都是基本知识,必须掌握 。
2. 英语中过河的两种写法 cross the river
across the river
[体]river crossing
Across the River; Crossing the River; Cross the river
他们驻守在那座桥上,所以我们只能涉水过河 。
They were guarding the bridge, so we forded the river.
你应该和我们一起过河,那时你就会了解实情了 。
You should come across the river with us. Then you will really see what's what.
杰克游过河去了 。
Jack swam across the river.
我过河时脚被桥上一块松动的木板夹住了 。
My foot caught in a loose plank on the bridge while I was crossing.
你可以搭渡船过河 。
You can cross the river by ferry.
3. 用英语写出这么做过桥米线 你是说形容下过桥米线是怎样的吗?如果是,看下面
The dish is served with a large bowl of boiling hot broth and the soup ingredients. These ingredients are separated. The soup ingredients are served on a cutting board or plate and include raw vegetables and lightly cooked meats. Common ingredients include thin slices of ham, chunks of chicken, chicken skin, strips of bean curd sheets, chives, sprouts and rice noodles. Once added into the broth, it cooks quickly with a layer of schmaltz and oil glistening on top. The soup takes a few minutes to cook, and it is then spooned out into small bowls.
4. 过桥米线的英语作文 The rice into the barrel, using cold water soak for half an hour, let go of water, control dry,will be crushed into surface or meters, meters will be crushed into surface grinder. Add cold water to rice rake synthesis. Water, surface and good proportion to the back rake surfacecan naturally into the plane as appropriate, not into a knot, and thin face some lantern. Willand rake into the noodle press (the old manual operation method, using the pressure meterinstrument is very heavy, bulky). 15 minutes after the mature rice vermicelli. The line to dry for 24 hours, so that retrogradation, water immersion to disperse.
5. 如何按照正确的方法吃过桥米线写一篇英语作文 I am a big fan of the US TV series, most TV series are about the supernatural things, like the ghost. I like to take adventures, to have a look at the world and get to know more about the world. I must have to admit that I am afraid of ghost, when the dark night comes, if I am alone, I will be scared. But I am still interested in the horror movie, I feel so excited when I see the horror movie, I want to know if there is ghost in the world, many year ago, I believe. But as I grow up, I start to doubt the faith I have, I think ghost exists in our hearts, it is a guilty feeling. 。