
1. 【英语表达“我想 英语表达“我想……(做某事)”有哪些说法?I want to ; I 'd like ;还有其他说法么?(1) I want to do sth (2) I would like to do sth (3) I intend to do sth (4) I feel like doing sth (5) I like to do sth (6) I am intentional to do sth (7) I have an idea to do sth (8) I hope to do sth (9) I wis to do sth (10) I am inclined to do sth (11) I am apt to do sth(12) I am about to do sth(13) I am going to do sth(14) I am filled with an idea / a plan to do sth(15) I am propelled by an idea to do sth 。
2. 英文单词怎么背 这样就要求你背的单词能够被经常利用.那么怎么才能被经常利用呢?要么你就背所学课文里的单词,每次默写完单词后就可以多读几遍课本的文章,或者直接背诵下来.背诵文章对口语也是很有用的.再者建议你看21century或者china daily这样的报纸,上面重复一个单词的频率还是很高的.英语单词都是需要反复记忆的,不只是你自己有背诵完忘记的问题,大多数人都是有的,最主要是反复联系,反复背诵,每次背完今天的再温习一下之前的,既不劳神费力又可以多记得很多单词.希望可以帮到你. 。

