
1. 用英语介绍郑秀晶 英文:The stars scattered in the sky, which is the most shining star. Even in a variety of inquiries, no matter who will not be able to answer. But when I meet you one day, when you look at your eyes, I seem to have the answer to my own. Zheng Xiujing, the vast star in your eyes, is the world I want to travel around the world.She didn't what great just smiled very allure she didn't what great is nothing but all loved the beautiful younger sister she didn't what great just cold warm heart small lovely she didn't what great just a love her beautiful sister glittering shine let you unable to forget her didn't what great she just the sparkling crystal KrystalTo see such a small age to face some of these distressed cannot see the end of the cross in singing free like a breath close eyes redness feel very sad not always rest bad do not eat on time not to to cannot catch the trip so tired early sit half plane which has time to mind eating lucky is so much in love with her cooking her into account and give her to food think so thoughtful see interview and you say something inexplicable sad, don't be afraid don't worry we accompany you foreverI think today from Soojung uttered the phrase "because I have a lot of anti, I will not abuse. Really hate those who do not know the child because of their own subjective ideas to black children.. You may not like her, but don't hurt her!She tried very hard, product name ABS brokenhearted many years of dance training out of it; she is very serious, obviously lead dancer, but also at home; she is very modest, first joined the showbiz even predecessors also to her Jiaokou praise.I prefer to call you Zheng Xiujing because I want you to do what you want to do because you have the power to work hard like you. I don't feel shame you pay the effort is I do I 16.17 still don't understand that your debut in the face of all we can not imagine the pressure and challenge bear bear is not your age began to love is because of the beautiful bring happy is not a simple that I regret no early see you earlier witness your growth I will early some happiness in the eyes of others, I am crazy but not how to see do not understand even thank you Krystal your efforts we see in the eyes will continue to let us find your newZheng Xiujing, I love you, so I love youZheng Xiujing, because love you, so love you more中文翻译:散落在苍穹的星辰中,究竟哪颗最为闪耀呢 。
纵使百般询问,无论是谁也一定无法解答 。但当有一天遇见你,对上你目光的那一刻,我好像有了属于自己的答案 。
郑秀晶,你眼中的浩瀚星辰,便是我最想环游的世界 她也没什么了不起的 只不过微微一笑很倾城 她也没什么了不起的 只不过是众人都宠爱的漂亮妹妹 她也没什么了不起的 只是冷面暖心的小可爱 她也没什么了不起的 只是有一个很爱她的美丽姐姐 闪闪发亮 熠熠生辉 让你无法割舍忘怀 她也没什么了不起的 她只是那个比水晶闪耀的郑秀晶 看到这么小年龄就要面对这些有些心疼却无能为力 看跨年演唱结束时解脱似的一呼气 近景眼睛里的红血丝 觉得很心酸是不是总休息不好 不按时吃饭 不是不想是不能 赶行程那么累 早起 坐半天飞机哪有时间心思吃饭 庆幸的是有这么多爱她的饭 为她考虑还有给她准备食物的 想的那么周到看到采访和你说的一些话莫名的难过 别怕别担心 我们陪你一起一想到今天从秀晶口中说出那句“因为我有很多anti”,我就被虐的不行 。真讨厌那些不了解小孩就因为自己的主观想法去黑小孩 。
【晶用英语怎么写的】你可以不喜欢她,但是不要伤害她!她很努力,名品腹肌失恋了多少年的舞蹈才练出来的;她很认真,明明是领舞,却也是主场;她很谦虚,初入演艺圈时连前辈也对她交口称赞 。
我更喜欢叫你郑秀晶 因为希望你能做想做的 做你自己 因为有你我有了动力 努力像你一样。我不觉得丢人 你所付出的努力是我做不到的 我16.17时候还在不懂这那 你却出道 面对一切我们想象不到的压力和质疑 承受的不是你的年龄所承受的 开始喜欢是因为好看 带来快乐 现在不单纯这些了 我有多遗憾没早一点看到你 早点见证你的成长 我也会早一些快乐 在别人眼里我是疯了 但是无所怎么看 不懂也就算了 谢谢你郑秀晶 你的努力我们看在眼里 不断让我们发现新的你郑秀晶,我爱你,所以心疼你郑秀晶,因为心疼你,所以更爱你 。