
1. 求帮忙写一封申请加薪的邮件,下有很详细的内容包括工资哦 非常感谢 感谢您向我团求助!
Dear manager,
How time flies,I have been in our company for several months.During this period of time,I can be confident to say that lots of problems of company have been improved , no matter production materials or quality on production field.The growth of suppliers is also speeding up obviously.There isn't almost any significant quality problem which get in the way of manufacturing schedule.So, to the whole company,in my opinion,I have showed my value as an individual.
Since all things above, as well as the heavy and complex workloads,I would like to apply for an increase in pay in order to serve our company better.I have attached the salary bill of July to the email,from which you can see that nearly all the items got deducted except base pay.Af last, I gained too little.When I was asked by my families,I felt shameful to be honest.Such income has brought much pressure and mental load to me.
My qualifying period is too long.So I have talked with personnel Sam and we have reached a consensus that I will get adjustment in pay accordingly if my behavior is good.Till now my income is still far below what an engineer should get,and it nearly equals that of an inspector.That is unfair to me, and I feel stressed and unbalanced.
Due to all the reasons, I would like to apply an increase in month pay to 6500 yuan.I really hope to gain your permission and help.
If possible, this news will be the best gift for my birthday this year.Looking forward to your reply.
个人觉得楼主的语气很诚恳,并无生硬 。
个人建议,如果是写给外企外国老板的信件,最好是开头直奔主题 。然后在阐述原因:I am writing to apply for an increase in pay.“我写这封信是为了申请加薪 。”
本人水平有限,不敢保证没有用语不当指出 。既然是求助于我团,还望我们能够给楼主提供满意的答案,请楼主等待我团团长检查和回复,谢谢!
2. 调薪申请书怎么写 原发布者:yamomoto23
篇一:调薪申请书范文调薪申请书尊敬的领导:在您百忙之中有件个人的事情想耽误你点时间 。自从2011年5月进入公司工作已经半年多 。在过去的这一段时间里,在您和同事的帮助下我从一个刚刚毕业的学生逐渐成长为具有专业知识的员工,担任公司财务助理职务 。在您和同事的指导下,我也做了点成绩 。我基本了解我司相关的基本情况,对管桩行业有进一步的认识,并且熟悉了财务部门的运行,熟悉掌握出纳、仓管相关工作以及能够协助部门经理完成相关工作 。工作以来,我敬职敬业,严格遵守公司各项规章制度 。在工作上我任劳任怨,保质保量的完成公司交给我的工作 。由于我目前的薪酬是1800,我认为已经不能和我目前的工作情况相对应 。我申请公司在充分考虑的情况下给我加薪,就我目前的工作情况而言,我希望能加到2300以上,望公司领导给予酌情考虑,批准为盼!当然在工作中我也存在着很多缺点,自认能力上有待进一步的提升,年轻贪玩需要大家共同督促 。不过我相信通过您及同事的帮助以及自己的努力,我会彻底改正这些缺点 。让自己能彻底从学生蜕变为专业人士,更好的为公司服务 。我会更加珍惜今后的时间,不断充实自我、丰富自我、完善自我 。相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功!希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量!谨祝公司前程似锦,兴旺发达!此致敬礼财务部门:2012年1月13日篇二:涨薪申请书范文图片已关闭显示,点此查看涨薪申请书范文涨薪申请书范文本人自入职公司至今,在公司各位领导的
3. 加薪信应该怎么写 尊敬的XX先生: 您好! 一直想找个时间跟你面对面地谈一下,然而却一直没找到合适的时间与机会 。