
1. 祖父母用英语怎么说 祖父母的英文:grandparent英 [?gr?npe?r?nt] 美 [?gr?nper?nt] n.祖父或祖母;外祖父或外祖母1、My grandparent's parents are my great-grandparents. 我祖父母的父母是我的曾祖父母 。
2、I used to live with my grandparent, but I have my own home now. 我过去与祖父母住在一起,但现在我有自己的家了 。扩展资料一、grandmother英 [?gr?nm?e?(r)] 美 [?ɡr?nd?m?e?, ?ɡr?n-] n.老奶奶;(外)祖母;女祖先vt.当…的祖母vi.当祖母My grandmothers are both widows.我奶奶和外婆都是孤寡一人 。
二、grandfather英 [?gr?nfɑ:e?(r)] 美 [?ɡr?nd?fɑe?, ?ɡr?n-] n.(外)祖父;始祖vt.新规定限制;不受新条例His grandfather was a professor.他的爷爷曾是一名教授 。
2. 用英语写一篇我最爱的祖父母 不少于80字 请采纳以下答案吧 谢谢您My Grandparents我的祖父母
My grandparents are very special to me. They have worked hard all their lives and sacrificed a lot for my family. Not only that, but they are also special friends to me. They are easier to talk to than my parents. For example,my grandmother makes me delicious things to eat and my grandfather often takes me fishing.祖父母对我而言,是非常特别的 。他们一生都辛苦工作,并且为了整个家,牺牲了很多很多 。不仅如此,他们还是我特别亲密的朋友 。他们比我爸妈还好说话 。比如,我的祖父母会做可口的食物给我吃,他们还常常带我去钓鱼 。
In addtion, they are the leaders of my family. They are full of wisdom and know the stories of our ancestors. They are the ones that hold our family together.另外,他们是这个家的领导人 。他们有着丰富的智慧和知晓许多有关我们祖先的故事 。他们让我们整个家牢牢地守护在一起 。
I owe them a great deal, but I don't know how to repay them. All I can do is cherish them and never take them for granted.我欠他们很多,但我不知道如何报答他们 。我能做的,就是珍惜他们,并且不把祖父母(疼我)当成理所当然的事 。
3. 用拜访我的外祖父母写一篇英语作文带翻译 My Grandfather is tall, with a pair of smiling eyes when he was young, handsome. Grandfather likes to read a book, he read the book is very thick, Grandfather said is never too old to learn. Grandfather also like the kind of flowers, and every day he cook for us to eat, he cooked delicious food, we all like to eat. Grandfather also pick us to school every day, he is very hard. Every time my mother gets angry, he will help us. I like my .grandfather. I want to study hard, grow back Grandfather 。
我的外祖父高高的个子,有一双笑眯眯的眼睛,他年轻的时候一定很帅 。外祖父很喜欢看书,他看的书很厚,外祖父说要活到老学到老 。
外祖父还喜欢种花草,他还每天烧菜给我们吃,他烧的菜很美味,我们都很喜欢吃 。外祖父还每天接送我们上学,他很辛苦 。
【英语祖父母怎么写】每次妈妈发火要惩罚我们的时候外祖父总会帮我们,我很喜欢外祖父 。我要好好学习,长大报答外祖父 。