
1. 求一篇写摘李子的英语作文 Plum Picking The plum tree is overflowing with fruit. These are the smaller plums used to make prunes. But oh they are so sweet off the tree, you just have to eat about 6 to get your fill. Melanie and I went out picking plums just before another storm arrived yesterday. We saw the wind cloud and knew we had better get as many picked as possible in a short time. That wind would knock them all off the tree and since they are so ripe, most would explode when they hit the ground. I will be drying them today, making a slit in the fruit, pulling out the pit and then putting them in the dehydrator. We have all been snacking on them too. They are so juicy and sweet. All our fruits and veggies are grown organically, so we feel comfortable just picking them and eating them.Its raining again today so no chance to dig potatoes this morning. The garden has take a back seat to a certain little baby, which means weeds are numerous. No pictures this spring, I would be embarrassed to show off the weeds, and the eposote has about taken over. I love using in when cooking beans as it works like Beano, but its spreading like wildfire all over the garden. I have enough for the entire towns use ! This weekend we hope to pull up a bunch of it.We hung out the clothes late yesterday afternoon and had high hopes that they would dry some in the early evening and then finish drying in the morning 。
.but I awoke to the rumbles of thunder. I ran outside, three lines full of clothes still damp needed to be brought in before the rains came. It was pouring as I walked through the back door into the house. I can only hope for a bit of sun sometime today and re-hang all three lines. Its a good workout, no need to go to the gym for an aerobics class. All that up and down motion and the lugging the heavy baskets outside once again is a weight lifting workout.In the olden days ladies didn't need to go for a workout, their days were filled with exercise.My arm muscles are strong from kneading bread and when we were milking goats the girls and I could arm wrestle the boys and lay their arms right down.Yesterday picking the plums was another good workout.Here is my simple solution for getting the exercise you need 。grow your own food, hang your clothes and make your own bread, (without a bread machine that is) milk some cows or goats, and walk.The last storm had sent so much fruit to the ground, which quickly rotted due to the wet ground Still plenty left on the tree Melanie enjoying a juicy plum pluns picked and ready to dehydrate Plum Preserves made today. 。
2. 各种水果的英文怎么写 cherry樱桃
kiwi fruit猕猴桃
mandarin orange柑橘
honeydew melon蜜瓜
watermelon 西瓜
grape 葡萄
3. 桃子的英文怎么写 已解决问题 收藏 各种水果的英文怎么拼?标签:水果,英文 咾嘙.宝 回答:7 人气:12 解决时间:2009-01-30 03:29 1.莲雾:bell fruit . wax-apple . lotus fog 2.杨桃:star fruit 3.芭乐:guava 4.荔枝:litchi 5.龙眼:longan 6.西瓜:watermelon 7.柚子:pomelo 8.梨子:pear 9.香蕉:banana 10.木瓜:papaya 11.南瓜:pumpkin 12.番茄:tomato 13.芒果:mango 14.奇异果:kiwi 15.柿子:persimmon 16. 哈密瓜:cantaloupe 17.草莓:strawberry 18.葡萄:grape 19.桃子:peach 20.柳橙range 21.椰子:coconut 22.柠檬:lemon 23.樱桃:cherry 24.凤梨:pineapple 25.苹果:apple 26.榴连:durianpear 27.葡萄柚:grapefruit 28.honey peach水蜜桃 29.文旦:shaddock 30.红毛丹:rambutan 31.枇杷:loquat 32.?柑:ponkan 33.李子:plum 34.Apricot 杏 35.Bayberry (sweet gale) 杨梅 36.Bergamot 佛手柑 37.Chinese olive 橄榄 38.Citron 香椽 39. craneberry 蔓越梅 40.Guava 蕃石榴 41.Haw 山楂 42.Kumquat 金桔 43.Peach 桃 44.Pineapple 菠萝(凤梨) 45.Plantain 大蕉 46.Pomegranate 石榴 47.Pose apple 蒲桃 48.Sugar-cane 果蔗 49.Sweet orange 甜橘(广橘) 50. Sampee 黄皮 51.Raspberry木梅 52.Hickory山胡桃 53.Nectarine油桃 54.Flat peach蟠桃 55.jackfruit 波罗密 56.passion fruit 百香果 57.warden 西洋梨 58.cherry tomato 小蕃茄 59.mangosteen 山竹 60.raspberry 覆盆子 61. sunkist 香吉士 62.tangerine 红橘 63.muskmelon 香瓜[/SIZE] 。