
1. 用英语怎么说:一切从头来和很酷,很棒backtosquareone&killer(145) 今天李华会学到两个常用语:back to square one和killer.LH:电脑出了问题,我写的东西全没了!真糟糕,现在我得从头开始写了!LL:I'm sorry,Li Hua.It's a real bummer,but I guess we're back to square one.LL:Oh,when you're back to square one it means that you are back where you started and you have to start all over again.LH:噢,原来back to square one就是回到开头的地方,一切都得从头来起.唉,看来我也只能这么做了.LL:You must remember some of what you wrote.You can start by writing that down before you forget it.LH:我脑子里是记得一些我写的东西.先把我记得的部份写下来.这倒是个好主意,这样总比一切从头开始要好一些.LL:Don't feel so bad,Li Hua.It could be worse.My uncle spent years working on a novel.But a computer virus destroyed his computer and the backup disk.He was back to square one.LH:我的天啊!你叔叔比我更惨,写了多年的小说就这样没了.要是我的话,我可能就会放弃了.LL:But my uncle said he's going to rewrite the novel despite the fact he had to start from square one.LL:Oh no!I forgot about the pizza in the oven.It's burning!Li Hua,I'm so sorry.I'm afraid that we're back to square one with dinner,tooLH:不得了,比撒饼在烤箱里都忘了.哎呀,你看,都烤焦了.看来我们得重新打电话订比萨饼了.LL:That's a good idea because this one is completely burned.******LL:Let's watch TV while we're eating.The Simpsons are on.I love watching The Simpsons; it's such a killer show.LL:No,I don't mean killer as in deadly.I mean killer as in awesome or really cool.LH:噢,原来这里的killer不是杀人,而是指某样东西很棒,很酷.我也觉得辛普森家族是个很棒,很好笑的节目.LL:This is killer pizza,too.I'll have to remember to order pizza from the same restaurant next time.LH:对,这比萨饼真好吃.没错,下回再到这个饭馆去订.Larry,我已经看过这一集辛普森家族了,这一集真的很好笑.LL:Yeah,you're right,this is a killer episode.I can watch it over and over again and never get tired of it.LH:这一集我也看了好几遍了,但是还没有看厌.Larry,我觉得另外一个电视连续剧也可以算得上是个killer show.LH:那个描写6个年轻男女在纽约市的六人行节目.那是我最喜欢的电视节目之一,每次播那个节目,我绝对不会错过!LL:There are probably several million people who agree with you.That is a killer show,and one of the most popular TV shows in history.LL:I think the show could be better,but Jennifer Aniston has killer legs.今天李华学到两个常用语.一个是back to square one,是指一切从头来过.另一个常用语是killer.这是形容某样东西或某件事很棒,很酷. 。
2. 高考英语作文写法,我的英语很差,作文最多也就12分左右,请大家帮 1、Our school is located in the 20km away from the north of the city.2、It's 10 o'clock now, and I will meet you two hours later.3、I am writing this letter to inform you of my complaints of my recent purchase of your mobil phone.作为一个去年参加过高考的学生来讲,想要告诉你几点.距离2014年高考还有200多天,而你已经认识到你在英语作文方面的不足了,这是非常好的一点,你所要做的就是多背、多练;多背一些好的范文,不光是背其中的好词好句,更重要的是背了一段时间后你会发现在写作文时会不自觉的用上你所背过的文章,另外,平时上课时课文里讲过的和你们做过的阅读、完型的词组也要多背,最好有一个积累本,在平时积累时用不同颜色的笔标出哪些经常在阅读里出现而你总记不起来意思的、哪些是以后写作自己可以用到的 。
【唉的英语怎么写】积累之后就要经常尝试去用.老师平时布置的写作作业要认真完成,我相信高三的课业还是很重的,让你每天或每周额外练一篇作文估计也不能实现,最好的方法就是课堂上认真跟着老师,认真完成阅读、写作.等上了大学你就会知道,高中老师真的很负责,高中的课程非常细,虽然我们原来也常常抱怨高中学的大部分都没用,但是在以后,偶尔提到高中学过的知识每个人都会非常激动非常怀念 。好好珍惜后三分之一的高中生活吧~加油 祝你好运 。