
1. 一篇英文作文,你打算和谁去旅行,把你和朋友的有关对话写下来. My conversation with a friend Time: 2 July in 2010 Location: GanYao home town My friend, I now is: the interviewer that you were interviewed. I ask you to answer, ok?Friend: good!I: from your friends, you have to remember, what place? And I can share?Friend: of course. I have been to many places! Xitang, peach blossom island town, huangshan, China sea, Qingdao, Shanghai, hangzhou, hainan and zhoushan 。
I: wow! I really envy you. Have you been to many places! Do you think that you have been in place, where most of these? Can say to listen to?Friend: actually, I feel? Home is the most beautiful place in the world,. Because, the home is like a ship can make small harbor, A comfortable bed, A warm nest, One can shelter base! This harbor, welcome our boat moored. The comfortable bed, can let us take a rest. The warm nest, to meet us anytime. The shelter of the base, let us in rain I: that's right! I think so too, his hometown is the most beautiful, warm, cozy place. At the same time, I also like my hometown. He gave me a happy childhood. Friends, you said right?Friend: I agree with you. I know we can eat some fruits and vegetables are our hometown jiashan specialties. But then again, my hometown is so beautiful. As our children, we should study hard every day. Our home more beautiful.I: yes, we must bring home more beautiful. Oh, yes, you know the history of hometown?Friend: I know when to! In our hometown, 580 anniversary of jiashan history, at the same time, there are also many struggle for decades, even hundreds of years of famous enterprises, such as: there is a very young jiashan of company, the company after decades of efforts and hard work, a domestic and international numerous enterprises. The most proud of is this: let me production company in China, is the screw the highest railway - the qinghai-tibet railway is adopted at the 316 million sets. Now countries build 350 kilometers per hour, which also purchasing high-speed railway is the company produced products. It is the jin billion company.。I: wow! You're great. Know a lot. I also understand some of the famous ancient jiashan: wu zhen (1280 years -- 1354), ZhongGui words plum happily, taste, since the agency may happily. Jiashan wei wu zhen was born in catitang town people to yuan RMB to 17, $14 years, aged 75 years. Late teens start painting, when young, have traveled WuXing, hangzhou lake scenery. Open horizon, enlarge the true nature of water, the mountain true enlightened his creative inspiration. Good painting landscape poetry handwriting work, plum, bamboo, for people, calligraphy and painting, mostly in China ", "is one of the" four painter ".Friend: you seem to know this man! Wu zhen I: of course, because I will read in home wu zhen cake.Friend: so!I: our hometown has good development and change, has a long history and culture. Let us work together! Let history will continue to develop more quickly, and cheer up!Friend: cheer up!我与朋友的对话 时间:2010年2月7日 地点:干窑镇我家 我:朋友,现在我是采访者,你是被采访者 。
我问你答,好吗?朋友:好啊!我:朋友,从你记事起,你一共去过哪些地方呢?可以和我分享一下吗?朋友:当然 。我去过的地方可多啦!古镇西塘、桃花岛、黄山、中国大竹海、青岛、海南还有上海、杭州、舟山…… 我:哇!我真羡慕你 。
你去过的地方真多!那你觉得,在你去过的这些地方,哪里最美呢?能说来听听吗?朋友:其实,我觉得吧?家乡才是世界上最美丽的地方,才对 。因为,家乡就像一个能让小船儿停泊的港湾;一张舒适的床;一个温暖的巢;一座能够遮风挡雨的基地!这港湾,随时欢迎我们停泊小船 。
这舒适的床,随时都可以让我们好好休息休息 。这温暖的巢,随时随地地迎接着我们进出 。
这遮风挡雨的基地,随时让我们进去避雨 我:说得对!我也是这样想的,自己的家乡是最温暖,最美丽,最温馨的地方 。同时,我也非常喜欢自己的家乡 。