
1. 关于任性的英文作文加翻译 One day, I just got on a crowded bus back home after school. A woman behind me pushed me hard forward,and shouted loudly," Go, Go, Go inside. Don't stand at the dood. It is so crowded." I was so angry and thought she was a bored woman. But I went inside. After a while, the moman went up to me and said in a low voice," someone put his hand into your bag. I really wanted to help you. I checked my bag and all the things were inside. I felt so ashamed that I only said," I am so sorry, but thank you." 。
2. 任性的英文单词是什么 capricious; self-willed; wayward; unrestrained; intractable; headstrong; wilful 都可以表示任性的 一般比较常用的就是第一个capricious 表示性格的任性 网上有很多的这类的单词 但是有很多都不实用 大多是粘贴过来粘贴过去的 我帮你找了一些比较常用的关于性格品质的单词 希望可以帮到你^_^ lazy 懒的 punctual 守时的 kind 善良的 efficient 办事高效率的 strict 严厉的 generous 慷慨的,大方的 patient 有耐心的 forgetful 健忘的 reliable 可靠的 boring 令人乏味的 open-minded 思想开放的 traditional 思想保守的,传统的 talktive 健谈 shy 害羞 open-minded 心胸开阔的 selfish 自私的 bullheaded 倔强的 sullen 沉闷的 阴郁的 tardy 拖拉的 withdrawn 内向的 poignant 尖酸的 。
3. 有关任性的英语作文带翻译 我不再任性我在家里可以说是一个‘唯我独尊’的小皇帝,我要什么他们就给我买什么 。
记得有一次我过生日想要个滑板车,您二话没说就给我买了,那是我高兴的都跳了起来 。可那时的我那知道您还有多少钱啊,您已经很长时间没上班了;我自责,我痛苦 。
相信我吧,我不会在任性,因为我已经长大了,您的苦心我早已明白 。记得有一次我问您,您的眼睛是怎么近视的,您说:“小时候家里没钱,只能点蜡烛,慢慢的就近视了 。
听到这里,我思绪万千,看看您,再看看我,一个娇生惯养长大的孩子,您小时候家里没钱都刻苦读书,再看看我,在这样一个幸福的时代却不知道好好读书,相信我吧,我不会再任性,因为我已经明白这一切的一切了,以前您是自己默默地把一切都自己承受了,记得您常说:一切都是个习惯我不再任性,因为我懂得了您的这份爱,亦如空气,我需要,可又常常忘记它的存在—一份悠长的母爱 。i will not be wilful againi used to be an emperor in my home.my parents wil buy anythiny i need.once i wanted to have a drwaing board as my birthday present ,you bought it for me immediately .i jumped up and down with joy in my heart.but i failed to realize that you had not go to work for quite a long time with a little money in your bank account. and now i feel shamed.trust me ,i will no longer be wilful ,because i have grown up and understood your heart.once i asked you what casued you to have a bad eyesight,you told me that when you were young ,your family was so poor that you only could buy candles instead of lamp.after reading under candles for a long time ,your eyes got bad .after hearing this ,i fell into thinking that compare to me who born in a rich family ,having all things i want without studing hard,you,under such a harsh condition, still never gave up your schoolwork.i will never be wilful because i have become mature and knew all things you have done for me.in the past ,you stood in fornt of me and paved the way for my future. you considered this as a habit. from now on ,i have felt and received your love and i will never forget. 。

