
1. 预防英语流感作文怎么写啊 Influenza mainly through the air and contact transmission, therefore coughs or sneezes should protect mouth and nose masks, Wash hands often, still can often use alcohol for everyday items. In addition, the less people in the place ZaDuiEr "is an effective decrease infection probability method. Once infected patients should avoid out, prevent the virus to others
And that can be used to prevent swine flu spirit are healthy, can quickly antibacterial spray the inhibition of killing bacteria. Flu, Chinese is the spray of air, also can undertake alexipharmic.
2. 预防细菌的英语作文怎么写啊 All over the world break out the flue now, so how to keep away the germs is to become a very important topic. According to the experts, there is no medicine can cure the flue effectively, so we must have a good habit. In my opinion, first we must wash our hands before the meal and after go to toilet. Secondly, we should have some sports every day. It can help us enhance our immunity and defend the germs. Finally, we must have a balanced diet to provids nutrition for our body 。
3. 英语作文 疾病 it is unavoidable that man gets ill sometimes.it may be owing to some epidemic virus or the disorder in your body adjustment or simply the decrease in immunity.take cold for example,when you catch a cold ,you are likely to have a sore throat,a running nose,a cough,a headache or even a fever.so how to prevent from having a cold?there are several ways,such as,take exercises often,this is the most efficient way to keep cold away;drink enough water and don't stay up late;put on and take off clothes according to the change of the weather.
自己找个在线翻译翻译一下就行了,初中英语,翻译的错误率比较低的 。
4. 怎样预防H1N1病毒 Swine flu has yet to escalate into a global pandemic, but here's what to do if it does 5 Ways to Protect Yourself (and Others) from Swine Flu Experts say that the steps you should take to shield yourself from swine flu are not much different than those you might take to ward off seasonal flu 。
【预防英语怎么写】 1. Don't touch your face Above all, keep your hands away from your eyes, mouth and nose, all of which serve as pathways for the virus to enter your respiratory tract, says Allison Aiello, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan School of Public Health in Ann Arbor 。2. Wash your hands If you must touch your face, scrub your hands, getting under the fingernails and inside all crevices, for 20 to 30 seconds with hot soap and water beforehand, Aiello says. "In addition to dislodging dirt that may contain virus particles, soaps contain surfactants [the primary components of detergents] which can damage the lipid [fat] protecting virus particles," she explains. Soap should therefore be effective against all flu viruses 。
3. Use a hand sanitizer No sink nearby? Then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, Aiello advises. About a quarter-size spot, rubbed all over the hands until the sanitizer evaporates (usually 10 to 15 seconds), should do it. Alcohol can inactivate viruses by destroying the structure of their proteins, she notes 。4. Cover your nose and mouth When someone sneezes or coughs, liquid droplets packing flu viruses can travel as far as three feet (one meter) through the air and descend on your nose or mouth, so it's best to maintain at least an arm's-length distance when talking to someone who shows signs of infection, says Louise Dembry, director of epidemiology at Yale–New Haven Hospital in Connecticut. And to protect others, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and clean your hands afterward, she says, noting that viruses can remain infectious for hours, if not longer, when they linger on the skin or other surfaces such as keyboards and subway poles 。
5. Consider buying a mask in case you need it in the future From press photos, it seems that Mexico's entire population has donned surgical masks, but the verdict is still out on how effective they are in stemming the spread of flu, according to Aiello. Some research suggests that masks—either the surgical variety or respirators called N95's specially designed to filter out water droplets containing viruses—reduce the risk of contracting the flu or other respiratory pathogens by as much as 80 percent, but research by Aiello's team suggests that masks do little unless used in conjunction with diligent hand washing 。According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is "extremely limited" data on the effectiveness of face masks and respirators for blocking flu spread in communities. The agency suggests, however, that people consider using them when it's impossible to avoid "crowded settings or close contact with others" in areas where swine flu transmission has been confirmed: face masks for crowded places and respirators for situations that involve close contact with people who have respiratory infections (caring for a sick family member, for example) 。