
1. 老婆英文怎么写 Wife,百度翻译结果如图: 英 [waif] 美 [wa?f] n. 妻子,太太; 夫人,老婆; 已婚妇女; 扩展资料【例句】 1,刚才和你说话的人是我老婆 。
That's my wife you were talking to 2,我帮老婆买了一点东西 。I do a bit of shopping for the missus. 3,3年前,我和老婆离了婚 。
我发现她和她老板有染 。Three years ago my wife and I divorced. I caught her with her boss. 4,如果我是你老婆,我会在你的咖啡里下毒 。
If I was your wife I would poison your coffee. 5,花光了他有钱老婆的财产之后,这位少校最后被关进了债务人监狱 。Having spent his rich wife's fortune, the Major ended up in a debtors 'prison 。
2. 做我老婆好不好英语怎么写【我老婆英语怎么写】 How many have heard through the number of junctions sigh I am serious with you and know what to do This confused feelings I want to be anyone Fortunately you are able to share the sorrow Can be close to that point can not be near Satisfy my heart little vanity In fact, you do not know in my heart you the most beautiful After the storms, like the horizon that Rainbow Road If tomorrow the way you do not know where to go To stay at my side my wife to do good I will not cast wide enough to arm your Warm embrace If you are tired of the ups and downs outside To stay at my side my wife to do good I will bear you a small temper occasionally Perhaps I can give you a little accident A laugh a simple peace of mind of caveolin Accompany you to accompany your sunset to sunrise the old Can be close to that point can not be near Satisfy my heart little vanity In fact, you do not know in my heart you the most beautiful After the storms, like the horizon that Rainbow Road If tomorrow the way you do not know where to go To stay at my side my wife to do good I will not cast wide enough to arm your Warm embrace If you are tired of the ups and downs outside To stay at my side my wife to do good I will bear you a small temper occasionally Perhaps I can give you a little accident A laugh a simple peace of mind of caveolin Accompany you to accompany your sunset to sunrise the old If tomorrow the way you do not know where to go To stay at my side my wife to do good I will not cast wide enough to arm your Warm embrace If you are tired of the ups and downs outside To stay at my side my wife to do good I will bear you a small temper occasionally Perhaps I can give you a little accident A laugh a simple peace of mind of caveolin Accompany you to accompany your sunset to sunrise the old 。

