
1. 死去的英文 die对翻译结果不满意?点此修改双语对照死去释义be raised to the skies; drop off; quit the scene; give up the spirit; meet with one's death双语例句1我们都将在某个时间死去 。
We're all going to die at some point.2大卫?伊戈尔曼的《生命的清单:关于来世的40种景象》(Sum:Forty Tales from theAfterlives),这是一本短篇小说集,其中探讨了死去之后的生活 。Sum: Forty tales from the afterlives by David eagleman, a collection of short storiesexamining what life is like after you die.3我遇到了一个女人,她那一点点大的小宝宝刚刚死去,另一个孩子也在死亡线上挣扎 。
I met one woman whose tiny baby had just died and whose other child was fighting for itslife.4缓慢而痛苦地死去的想法使我恐惧不已 。The thought of dying slowly and painfully terrified me.5他们两人都于穷困潦倒中死去 。
Both of them died in abject poverty.6她正是在这间屋子里死去的 。She died in this very house.7加维在孤独和穷困中死去 。
Garvey died in loneliness and poverty.8这孩子为死去的狗哭泣 。The boy was crying over his dead dog.9他死去已五年 。
Five years have passed since he left us.10他已死去多年 。He has been now dead for many years.11他们为那个死去的人唱了哀歌 。
They sang a threnody for the dead person.12魔术师表示能把任何一个我们愿意指定的死去的伟人的鬼魂召回 。The magician offered to call up the spirit of any great person of the past that we liked toname.13这对夫妻哀悼死去的孩子 。
The couple mourned for their dead child.14当他们看到那个穷苦妇女的儿子在车祸中死去时,他们向在场的群众进行募捐 。When they saw the poor woman's son was killed in the accident, they passed the hat roundthe crowd of people.15报纸上说这个死去的人姓奥普因,他的名字是科尼利厄斯 。
The dead man's name was reported in the newspapers as Oppin, but his first name wasCornelius.16但是如克拉克森预料,西比尔因子痫醒来并在她家人面前死去 。Sybil wakes up experiencing the eclampsia fits predicted by Dr Clarkson and dies in front ofher horrified family.17许多人在事故中死去了 。
A number of people have died in the accident.18路易斯安那州,俄克拉荷马州,特克萨斯州,佛罗里达州还有亚利桑那州都通过了法律禁止使用死去的军人的名字 。Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, and Arizona passed laws prohibiting using the namesof military dead.19哈维·登特:要么你就像一个英雄一样死去,要么就在世,直到看着自己酿成了一个无赖 。
Harvey Dent: You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become thevillain.20死去的狐狸通常都是张着嘴的 。The mouth of a dead fox is always open.21他们的军队有一面很大的旗帜,上面是你可怜的死去的父亲的画像 。
Their army had a big flag with a picture of your poor dead father, Darnley, on it.22我没有其他子女,在世的或是已经死去的 。I have no other children, living or deceased. 。
2. "去世"用英文怎么写 die--The man died yesterday.
be dead--The man has been dead.
pass away 去世,过去了--The man passed away yesterday.
go west 去西天--The bastard has gone west.
go to heaven 上天堂--The man has gone to heaven.
go to hell 下地狱--The bad egg has gone to hell.
sleep forever长眠--- The leader sleeps forever.
go out of this world---
has gone走了 --- The man has gone.
disappear不见了--- She disappeared last week.
kick the bucket 玩完了,翘辫子了,蹬腿儿了---The old miser kicked the bucket.
meeet one's death / get killed / lose one's life 丧命---
They met their death in the accident.
end up 告终--- Napoleon ended up with Waterloo.
decease 去世(文学用语)---After you decease the house will pass to your wife.