
1. 购买的英语怎么写 购买
buy 例句 Where did you buy that dress?
purchase 例句 You can purchase insurance on-line.
acquire 例句 The conglomerate acquired a new company.
选购 , 购物:
shop 例句 I'm shopping for Christmas presents.
she got a bargain at the auction 她在拍卖会上买下一件东西 。
2. 购买的英语怎么写 购买 buy 例句 Where did you buy that dress? purchase 例句 You can purchase insurance on-line. acquire 例句 The conglomerate acquired a new company. 选购 , 购物: shop 例句 I'm shopping for Christmas presents. 其他特殊词汇: she got a bargain at the auction 她在拍卖会上买下一件东西 。

