
1. “安琪"这个英文名怎么写 安琪n. Angel ; Angie一、短语1、闵安琪 Anchee Min2、安琪龙 Anchisaurus3、蜜安琪 Miss and kiss ; miss-and-liss ; Yngel二、双语例句1、安琪尔,我活着完全是为了你呀 。
Angel, I live entirely for you. 2、安琪尔,我还是你爱我时的同一个女人呀;不错,完全是同一个女人呀!I am the same woman, Angel, as you fell in love with; yes, the very same! 3、不过,安琪尔,请你走开吧,再也不要到这儿来了,好不好?But - will you go away, Angel, please, and never come any more? 扩展资料安吉 [ān jí]n. Angie一、短语1、安吉小鲵 Hynobius amjiensis ; Gu Anji Hynobiid ; Gu Anji Hyn2、安吉塔 Anguita3、安吉亚尔 EricaAngyal ; Andras Angyal二、双语例句1、出来外面,一个警卫为安吉丽在街上招了一辆的士 。Outside, on the street, a guard flags a cab for Angelique. 2、安吉仍够能在大名单上做出一些创造e69da5e887aa3231313335323631343130323136353331333366306539性的动作,如果三巨头能够保持高水准,那么凯尔特人还是有机会的 。
Ainge will have to get creative in reloading the roster, but if the Big Three can still play at a highlevel, the Celtics still have a chance. 3、在那基督的脚旁写着:安吉内 。还有旁的题名?Near the feet of Christ this name is to be read: Henquinez 。

