
1. 高分求助:给客户的英文拜访邮件 Dear 。
I'm 。,and will inherit sb's job from today.It is a great pleasure for me to do business with you. I'm glad to answer you if you have any problem.Thank you for your supporting to our company for such a long time. I'll do my job as best as possible,and give you the most perfect service.Wish a wonderful cooperation!
Thank you!
2. 有没有去拜访客户的英文邮件 Dear XXX, I'm XXX(姓名) of (公司名称)(职位) 。
.如果是第一次联系此处还要简单介绍下公司的业务范围 。如果对方已经了解过了,就没有必要了 。
I'll be on business trip in your conuntry during the period(时间). I'd like to visit your company during this period to do bussiness discussion. Are you available during that period. If so I'll feel very glad and could you tell the date that you are most convenient?Waiting for your feedback. Best regards,(姓名) 。
3. 想要去拜访一位国外客户,先写封全英文的邮件告知对方我们要去拜 1. 防止当成广告邮件,邮件标题注意!
Dear sir XXX,知道名字一定附上,可以预防被他误当垃圾邮件删除 !
2. 正式书信/表明身份/善意请求拜访/见面时间地点建议
This is XXX, position from ABC company XXX department..表述一下上方内容,相信这些你都做得到~
3. 等待回复,或电话联系跟进(最好发邮件前电话沟通一下).
4. 拜访邮件怎么写 Dear 。
I'm 。,and from 。.. today.It is a great pleasure for me to do business with you. I'm glad to answer you if you have any problem.Thank you for your supporting to our company for such a long time. I'll do my job as best as possible,and give you the most perfect service.Wish a wonderful cooperation!
Thank you!
5. 老板过几天要去拜访国外的客户,我应该怎么跟客户写一封英文邮件告 我建议您可以跟您的老板说一声,在去之前您应当问一下客户是否同意会见,
Dear * *:
Good morning / afternoon /(这里是问候,写你发邮箱的时间,上午就写Good morning,下午就写afternoon)
My boss wants to see you(我的老板想要去拜访您),time is on next Monday(时间定在下周一),if it's convenient for you(如果您方便的话).
Best regard.
Your friend * * *(这里写上您的名字)
6. 英语邮件怎么写 只要你英语能力过关,写写英文邮件没问题 。如果是翻译,公司的翻译不求文采,要的是速度和准确 。至于人事方面术语,是需要的 。建议去图书馆 。这些基本的你肯定是用得到的:
1.Personnel Department 人事部
2.Human Resource Department 人力资源部
3.Sales Department 营销部
4.Product Development Department 产品开发部
5. Public Relations Department 公关部
6.Marketing Department 市场部
7.Finance Department 财会部
8.Purchasing(Procurement) Department采购部
9.After-sale Service Department售后服务部
10.Quality Control Department 品管部
1. Chairman of the Board 董事长
2. President (Am E.) 总裁
3. Executive Vice-President 执行副总裁
4. Managing Director 行政董事
5. Executive Manager,General Manager 总经理
6. Deputy General Manager 副总经理
7. Section Manager 部门经理,科长
8. Sales Manager 销售部经理
9. Assistant Manager 助理经理 (副经理)
10. Manager 主任
11. Sales Representative 销售代表
12. Supervisor 总管
13. executive 高中级管理人员
14. clerk 职员
7. 英语写邮件 Dear Mr. xxx,
Good morning.
I am writing to share with you the plan of my boss, Mr. XXX to pay you a visit.