1. 写黑龙江有什么特色的英语作文及翻译 Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province, with a population of 5.3 million and covering an area of 18,000 square kilometers.
Located in eastern Songnen plain, it\'s a rolling land with low hills, and shallow valleys and crossed by the Songhua River. It has a semi-humid temperate climate with an annual average temperature of 3.5 degree Celsius, rainfall of 530 millimeters and a frost-free period of 140 days. Its mineral resources are coal, quartzite, marble, copper, lead and zinc etc.
Harbin is one of China\'s key industrial bases, with machine building industry as its main stay. Foodstuff, petroleum, chemicals and textiles are its important prop-ups. The output value of its pharmaceutical industry ranks first in China. The main agricultural products are wheat, soybean, beet, flax, tobacco, poultry, etc. It\'s among China\'s major beet growing areas.
Harbin is the commercial center of Heilongjiang Province as well as the communication hub in the northern part of North-East China, with a well-developed railway and highway network. It has regular air links with over 30 cities at home and abroad. The Songhua River is an important waterway for shipping.(以合作为话题的作文)
2. 我喜欢黑龙江的英语作文 哈尔滨,是我国东北一座美丽的城市 。
它有迷人的四季:桃红柳绿的春天,花繁叶茂的夏天,枫红菊香的秋天 。可我最喜欢的,是它那银装素裹的冬天 。
每到冬天,这里变成了冰的世界 。雪花漫天飞舞,为大树挂满了银花,给房屋披上了玉装 。
大地白茫茫的一片,像铺着一块洁白的大毯子,简直就是一个童话世界 。镜泊湖闻名全国,除了它美丽的湖光山色和夏季凉爽宜人的气候,还吸引着游客流连忘返的是它迷人的雪景 。
入冬后,湖畔的树木、岩石和各式各样的建筑被雪覆盖,姿态各异 。有的像老虎扑食,有的像仙女散花,有的……到这里的游客都会举起相机,将这难得一见的雪景永久保留 。
冬天的镜泊湖还是一个宽阔的天然溜冰场 。无数溜冰爱好者云集这里,享受着在大自然中溜冰的乐趣 。
看他们在冰上做着各种优美的动作,一点都不输给专业的运动员 。电视剧《林海雪原》中的威虎山也在哈尔滨境内 。
一到冬天,方圆几十里的原始森林都铺满了齐腰深的大雪 。这时你想看它一眼,那真是谈何容易!因此,它自然就成了探险者向往的地方 。
每年元旦前后,哈尔滨都要举办冰雪节 。国内外的冰雕、雪雕专家和爱好者聚集在此献艺 。
那些冰灯栩栩如生、玲珑剔透,美丽极了 。冬天的哈尔滨,最高兴的还是小朋友们 。
他们不畏寒冷,迎着凛冽的寒风,在那松软的雪地上打雪仗,别提有多高兴了!你瞧,一个小朋友正坐在雪地上发呆,猛地被一个雪球砸中,立刻变成了大花脸 。堆雪人的就更多了,他们用煤球做眼睛,胡萝卜做鼻子,堆出一个个表情迥异的大雪人 。
看着他们欢乐的身影,旁边的人也会跟他们一样高兴 。冬天的哈尔滨雪景迷人,大家一定要去欣赏一番哦 。
Harbin is a beautiful city in the northeast of China. It has charming seasons: pink Liulv spring, summer andflourishing, red maple autumn chrysanthemum tea. I love the most, it is the winter snow.Every winter, it turns into ice. The snow flying in the sky, trees covered with honeysuckle, covered with jade mounted to the housing. The vast expanse of the vast expanse of whiteness, like a piece of white blanket, it is a fairy tale world.Lake Jingpo is famous for its beautiful in a landscape of lakes and mountains and cool summer climate, also attracts tourists is its beautiful snow. After the winter, lake, trees, rocks and every kind of building is covered with snow, different attitude. Some like the tiger prey, some like a fairy, some 。
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