
1. “好成绩”用英语咋写 您的问题很简单 。
呵呵 。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题 。
原句:好成绩翻译:good results ;good score 做得好、成绩好do well in取得好成绩get good grades;get good marks有好成绩have good grades获取好成绩achieve high grades争取好成绩LLan得到好成绩get good grades语文获得好成绩get good grade in Chinese考出好成绩pass with flying colours获得好成绩get good grades百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译 。
2. 《如何在考试中取得好成绩》英语作文【的好成绩的英语怎么写】 How to get good marks in the exam?If you want to get good grades in the exam, we must seriously study inpeacetime, and review before the exam. We should carefully when the examination, do a good job every problem, and carefully check. As long as we do this, we can get good marks in the exam.Let us work together to study.如何在考试中取得好成绩?要想在考试中取的好成绩,我们必须在平时认真学习,并且在考试前复习 。
我们在考试的时候应该认真审题,认真做好每一道题,并且认真检查 。只要我们做到这些,我们就能在考试时取得好成绩 。
让我们一起努力学习吧如果楼主还有不明白,请回复我,我会继续为楼主解答的 。

