
1. "故乡"英语怎么说 故乡: [ gù xiāng ] 1. home2. homeland3. native placeRelative explainations: Examples:1. 他们思念着在亚洲的故乡 。
【故乡的英文怎么写】 They were pining for their homeland in Asia.2. 在国外多年后,他想回到故乡 。After many years abroad, he wanted to return home to his country.3. 她念念不忘故乡 。
She clung to her memories of home.4. 我依恋故乡的一草一木 。I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.5. 我在故乡度过了自己的孩提时代 。
I spent my early childhood in my hometown.6. 她远远地离开故乡在外地生活 。She lives a long way from home.Our native land.我们的故乡That of the native land? 故乡吗?They were sick for home.他们思念故乡排 。
My country is Texas.我的故乡是德克萨斯州 。My Native Land For Whom I Yearn 在怀念中的故乡He remarked the changes of his hometown.他看到了故乡的变化 。
To remove from a native or usual locality.使离开故乡;使离开原地He travelled from his birthplace to his new home.他从故乡旅行到新居 。he never went back to his hometown again.他再也没有回过他的故乡 。
He thought of Beijing as his second native.他把北京看作是第二故乡 。
2. "故乡"英语怎么说 故乡: [ gù xiāng ]
1. home
2. homeland
3. native place
Relative explainations:
1. 他们思念着在亚洲的故乡 。
They were pining for their homeland in Asia.
2. 在国外多年后,他想回到故乡 。
After many years abroad, he wanted to return home to his country.
3. 她念念不忘故乡 。
She clung to her memories of home.
4. 我依恋故乡的一草一木 。
I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.
5. 我在故乡度过了自己的孩提时代 。
I spent my early childhood in my hometown.
6. 她远远地离开故乡在外地生活 。
She lives a long way from home.
Our native land.
That of the native land?
They were sick for home.
他们思念故乡排 。
My country is Texas.
我的故乡是德克萨斯州 。
My Native Land For Whom I Yearn
He remarked the changes of his hometown.
他看到了故乡的变化 。
To remove from a native or usual locality.
He travelled from his birthplace to his new home.
他从故乡旅行到新居 。
he never went back to his hometown again.
他再也没有回过他的故乡 。
He thought of Beijing as his second native.
他把北京看作是第二故乡 。
3. 老家英文怎么写 老家:
1. native place
2. place of origin
3. home state or region
4. Blighty
5. Ancestral home
British soldiers go home.
英国兵回老家去 。
Are you asking about my home town?
Your homeland has gone to rack and ruin.
你老家的田园已经荒芜 。
I dreamed of my old home last night.
昨晚我梦见我的老家了 。
His attachment to his old home is very great.
他对他老家怀有深厚的感情 。
It is hotter in summer in my home town than it is here.
夏天我的老家比这里更热 。
You'll have to pull out all the stops to persuade your mother to leave her old home.
你得千方百计劝说你的母亲离开老家 。
It broke his heart to see the old family home pulled down.
看到老家的住宅被拆毁,他很伤心 。
I don't think about my old home very much, only (every) now and again.
我并不怎么想念老家,只是偶尔想想罢了 。

