
1. 「最后」这个词用英语怎么写 如果是最后 , 终于
就用finally,at last,eventually,in the end
最后 [zuì hòu] last; final; ultimate:
例句: sit in the last row;
坐在最后一排 final victory最后胜利
短语 1. 最后部分 decline; 2. 最后产物 {化} end product; 3. 最后成本 final cost; last cost; 4. 最后承运人 final carrier; 5. 最后充填物 {地} mesostasis; 6. 最后冲刺 a last spurt; 7. 最后船运通知 final shipping instructions; 8. 最后贷款者 lender of last resort; 9. 最后负进位 final negative carry; 10. 最后公路 final common path; final common pathway; 11. 最后股息 final dividend; 12. 最后激励时间 final actuation time; 13. 最后加工 final working; 14. 最后加工过程 finish; 15. 最后加工精度 accuracy of finish; 16. 最后价值量 ultimate quantity of value; 17. 最后交货日期 end delivery date; 18. 最后校定 post-edition; 19. 最后校样 foundry proof; 20. 最后接触开关 final contact switch; 21. 最后阶段 finish; 22. 最后节(梢)间 tail bay; 23. 最后结果 issue; 24. 最后结果分析 end-point analysis; 25. 最后结论 final submission; 26. 最后结余 final balance; 27. 最后进位数 final carry digit; 28. 最后精炼 final purification; 29. 最后精选桶 kieve (锡矿的); 30. 最后精制 {化} final refining; 31. 最后镜头 lost scene; 32. 最后净损 ultimate net loss; 33. 最后控制条件 final controlled condition; 34. 最后馏分 {化} last out; 35. 最后面 rear; 36. 最后胼胝体 final callus; 37. 最后情况 end; 38. 最后射线 ultimate ray; 39. 最后申报 final return; 40. 最后生(子) ultimogeniture; 41. 最后时刻 eleventh hour; 42. 最后实际净损 ultimate net loss; 43. 最后实际自留 ultimate net retention; 44. 最后试验 final test; 45. 最后受载期 closing date; 46. 最后宿主 final host; definity host; 47. 最后条款 final provisions; final articles; 48. 最后通牒 a final dispatch; an ultimatum; 49. 最后消费者 ultimate consumer; 50. 最后协定 final agreement; 51. 最后阳极 final anode; 52. 最后移位数 final carry digit; 53. 最后议定书 final protocol; 54. 最后议事录 procès-verbal final; 55. 最后用户 end user; 56. 最后用力 final force; final explosion; 57. 最后乐章 final; finale; 58. 最后装配 final assembly
2. 六年级上册英语同步训练最后一个作文怎么写 A illusion In winter every year, I all need to pile up a for nothing fat snowman. Every year spring , my that for nothing fat snowman, has moved towards thawing. I have been linked with often once a several day at that time, the snowman who is gazing at me has become emaciated down gradually , have disappeared snowman's appearance, in having become a puddle of water , having seeped into land. I am gazing at the snow water that puddle melts, for a long , long time think of: Where does my snowman have gone to! This be a how simple problem! I deride self in order that I am able to bring forward such simple problem. My mind has emerged suddenly, out another problem: Can pile up a snowman who not melting? This be a how complicated problem! I am self fanciful ideas but bewilder. Spring has come to be after all , the snowman has still molten, stack a snowman who not melting, be forced to wait until winter has put off until some time later. This I think that spring lives with very slowly for 1 year. I think that summer has grown very much. I think that the fall is unwilling to walk after staling for a long time. I am hoping for winter , one drifting profusely and disorderly to be floating winter Great Snow. Piling up a snowman who not melting , this is that my idea , one being unable to drive away , being unable to leave behind indulge in wishful thinking of. Approach in winter within anxiously expecting the day longing for winter, I have dreamt of a heavy fall of snow. That I dream that is that the season that a bright sunshine , the fresh flower are in full bloom, is simultaneous but, is also that one is floating the heavy snow day. Fall to ground when queerer being, as if it be those snowflakes , moving towards an automation very quickly becomes every snowman. Innumerable snowmen stand under tree shade , the cluster of flowers is other. 。