
1. 万众一心 众志成城英文怎么写 万众一心
millions of people united as one man;
All have one heart.;
all of one heart;
All united in one purpose.;
unite as one;
with one heart and one mind
Our wills unite like a fortress.
A common will is strong as the (city)bulwarks.;
A united people is like a city defense.;
Collective purposes form a fortress.;
【一心英文怎么写】Community of spirit and purpose will accomplish wonders.;
The success of vast undertakings depends on unity of purpose and effort.;
Union is strength.;
United,we're strong as a fortress.;
Unity of effort is the heart of all successful enterprises.;
Unity of purpose is a formidable force.;
Unity of will is an impregnable stronghold.

