
1. 天坛用英语怎么说 天坛——祈年殿天坛( Tiāntán [The Temple of Heaven]),现存天坛共有两处,一处是西安天坛,另一处是北京天坛,其中属北京天坛较为著名 。The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique.
天坛的建筑结构很别致 。
-- 英汉-辞典例句
visit the Temple of Heaven
-- 英汉-辞典例句
and Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island, home to the world's largest outdoor bronze statue of Buddha, the Tian Tan Buddha.
还有位于大屿山的宝莲寺,该寺的天坛大佛是全球最大的室外青铜佛像 。
-- life-汉英
Even solemn places like the Temple of Heaven, the Confucian Temple and the Yonghe Lamasery became a little livelier.
甚至于天坛,孔庙,与雍和宫,也在严肃中微微有些热闹 。
-- 汉英文学-骆驼祥子-P_luotuoxiangzi-24
Five sites of world cultural and natural heritage shall be well protected and made good use of. These sites are respectively the Sinanthropus Pekinensis site, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace.
保护和利用好北京猿人遗址、故宫、长城、天坛、颐和园5处世界文化和自然遗产 。
-- sports-汉英
The Great Buddha at the Temple of Heaven in Hong Kong is a great attraction.
香港的天坛大佛使人流连忘返 。
-- 汉英-翻译参考
The Temple of Heaven is a tourist attraction in Beijing.
天坛是北京的一个观光热点 。
2. 天坛用英语怎么说 天坛——祈年殿天坛( Tiāntán [The Temple of Heaven]),现存天坛共有两处,一处是西安天坛,另一处是北京天坛,其中属北京天坛较为著名 。
The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique.天坛的建筑结构很别致 。-- 英汉-辞典例句visit the Temple of Heaven游览天坛 -- 英汉-辞典例句and Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island, home to the world's largest outdoor bronze statue of Buddha, the Tian Tan Buddha.还有位于大屿山的宝莲寺,该寺的天坛大佛是全球最大的室外青铜佛像 。
-- life-汉英Even solemn places like the Temple of Heaven, the Confucian Temple and the Yonghe Lamasery became a little livelier.甚至于天坛,孔庙,与雍和宫,也在严肃中微微有些热闹 。-- 汉英文学-骆驼祥子-P_luotuoxiangzi-24Five sites of world cultural and natural heritage shall be well protected and made good use of. These sites are respectively the Sinanthropus Pekinensis site, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace.保护和利用好北京猿人遗址、故宫、长城、天坛、颐和园5处世界文化和自然遗产 。
-- sports-汉英The Great Buddha at the Temple of Heaven in Hong Kong is a great attraction.香港的天坛大佛使人流连忘返 。-- 汉英-翻译参考The Temple of Heaven is a tourist attraction in Beijing.天坛是北京的一个观光热点 。
3. 描写天坛的英语短文120字左右 还有中文翻译 The temple of heaven in Beijing is located in Beijing, in the southeast of Beijing WaiCheng. Located in the south of the palace, the south east ZhengYangMen outside. In the eighteenth year of yongle (was built in 1420). Ancient Chinese Ming and qing dynasties emperors, praying. Area for 273 hectares. Qing dynasty emperors used to "good", "the ceremonial buildings. The temple of heaven in Beijing area 272 million square meters, the area is also forbidden palace (,) are two walls wall, and the altar, and major architectural form QiNianDian, huang arch, the space. The building in the vertical axis. The altar round, the symbol of the south north wall round. In the south, the high places round in the north, two good places on the altar with a north-south axis, the middle wall
北京天坛地处北京,在原北京外城的东南部 。位于故宫正南偏东的城南,正阳门外东侧 。始建于明朝 永乐十八年(1420年) 。是中国古代明、清两朝历代皇帝祭天之地 。总面积为273公顷 。是明清两代帝王用以“祭天”“祈谷”的建筑 。北京天坛占地272万平方米,整个面积比紫禁城(故宫)还大些,有两重垣墙,形成内外坛,主要建筑祈年殿、皇穹宇、圆丘 。圆丘建造在南北纵轴上 。坛墙南方北圆,象征天圆地方 。圆丘坛在南,祈谷坛在北,二坛同在一条南北轴线上,中间有墙相隔