
1. 煎鸡蛋用英文怎么说 煎鸡蛋的英文:fry eggs、making a scrambled egg 。
1、fry eggs 英文发音: [fra? eɡz] 中文释义:煎鸡蛋 例句: Its energy can make rocks so hot that you can fry eggs on them. 它的能量能使岩石发热,甚至你可以在上面煎蛋 。2、making a scrambled egg 英文发音:[?me?k?? ? ?skr?mbld eɡ] 中文释义:煎鸡蛋 例句: She just learned how to make a scrambled egg. 她刚刚学会了如何做炒蛋 。
【小蛋的英文怎么写的】 扩展资料 词汇解析: 1、fried 英文发音:[fra?d] 中文释义: adj. 油炸的,油煎的;喝醉了的 v. 油炸(fry的过去分词) 例句: She would improve her diet if she ate less fried food and snacked less. 如果她少吃油炸食品和零食的话,她e69da5e887aa3231313335323631343130323136353331333431353235的饮食结构就会有所改观 。2、scrambled 英文发音:['skr?mbl] 中文释义: n. 密码形式;扰频 v. 争夺;攀登;搅拌(scramble的过去分词) 例句: She scrambled 3 eggs for her son. 她给她儿子炒了3个鸡蛋 。
2. 怎么制作荷包蛋 用英语怎么说 一、油煎荷包蛋 用料:鸡蛋1粒,酱油少许 做法:将鸡蛋打入碗中,烧热镬,放入一半碗油,略热放下鸡蛋以中火煎,依个别的喜好,可以煎至半生熟,或全熟,或两面金黄,盛起隔油,放入碟洒些酱油即可 。
在煎蛋时或可以洒些胡椒粉,细盐 。二、水煮菏包蛋 用料:鸡蛋1粒,水2公升,盐1大匙,醋半杯 。
做法:盐加入水中煮滚,加醋,把蛋打入碗中,用小火,把蛋倒入水中,当蛋自然成形后捞起放入冰水中,在把蛋的周围修整齐,再放入水中三分钟捞起就行了 。三、微波炉煎荷包蛋(两种) 1.超市卖一种专门的微波炉用的煎蛋容器(塑料材质),可以一次煎两个,煎之前放点水,用筷子把蛋黄扎一下,再均匀的撒些盐,中火,一分二十秒即可,非常方便 。
2.先在碗里加一点点水(电视介绍抹一点油,但用这种方法效果一样样的),然后打一个蛋在碗里,用筷子在蛋黄上戳3-5下(我一般是4下),然后放到微波炉里加热1分15秒(我的微波炉是转到微波那一项),拿出来后在蛋上面洒一点酱油或不加佐料都可以,配上牛奶等很不错滴 。四、生煎荷包蛋 用料:1粒蛋,2汤匙油,?碗水 做法:用小火烧热锅,放入两汤匙的油,打入蛋,当蛋开始凝结时,将水倒入锅中,再慢煮至自己要的熟度 。
英文:First, fries in oil the fried egg Needed materials: Egg 1 grain, soy sauce little procedure: Infiltrates in the bowl the egg, burns the hot pot, puts in half bowl oil, slightly hotly lays down the egg to fry by the medium baking temperature, according to individual fondness, may fry to half a lifetime is ripe, either entire ripe, either both sides golden yellow, is abundant separates the oil, puts in the small dish to sprinkle a soy sauce then. When omelette or may sprinkle a ground pepper, thin salt. Second, Shui Zhuhe Bao Dan Needed materials: Egg 1 grain, water 2 liters, salty 1 big spoon, vinegar half cup. Procedure: The salt joins in the water to boil, the vinegar, infiltrates the egg in the bowl, with the flame, pours into the egg in the water, when after egg nature forming, fishes puts in the ice water, in repairs neatly egg periphery, put in the water three minutes to fish again is good. Third, the microwave oven fries the fried egg (two kinds) 1. the supermarket sells the omelette vessel which one kind of special microwave oven uses (plastic material quality), may one time fry two, before frying, puts a water, grips with the chopsticks the egg-yolk, even scatters a salt, the medium baking temperature, one minute 20 second, is then convenient. 2. in the bowl Riga little water (television introduced first as soon as wipes lubricates, but with this method effect one every kind), then hits an egg in the bowl, pokes 3-5 (me with the chopsticks on the egg-yolk is generally 4), then puts to the microwave oven in heats up 1 minute 15 second (my microwave oven is changes to microwave that one item), after taking, sprinkles soy sauce above the egg or does not add the seasoning to be possible, is joined to the milk and so on very good drop. Fourth, lives fries the fried egg Needed materials: 1 grain of egg, 2 soupspoon oils,? bowl water procedure: With slightly burns down the hot pot, puts in two soupspoon's oils, infiltrates the egg, when the egg starts congeals, the water pours into the pot, boils the ripeness which slowly again wants to oneself. 。