
1. 菊花的作文怎么写(英文版) First, breeding methods Story of Qiu general use of cutting propagation, in the 20 days prior to the colonization, southern areas to adopt more open field to increase sun, good drainage requirements matrix, and ventilation. Chrysanthemum cuttings take the point of requiring robust cuttings, pest-free, trim the second half of the law; 1/3-1/2 or remove the leaves, then cutting through the plug on the bed, inserted to a depth of the cuttings long 1 / 3 ; General chrysanthemum cuttings about 2 weeks to take root, root cuttings should be the increasing light and ventilation; Second, the cultivation and management 1, soil conditions Chrysanthemum like good drainage and fertile PH value of 6.5-7.2 soil, even for free. Shi mu into the compost maturity -5000 kg 4000 kg, 20 kg fertilizer. Ba Ping Shen Fan soil after planting Qikuan 0.6-0.8 m, 0.3-0.4 meters high. 2, colonization After half a month to take root cuttings should be planted in a timely manner, from general to field planting cuttings 25-30 days; Zhu Xingju for the colonization of 20 cm * 15 cm. Large-flower can be sparse, floret type can be more dense. 3, Maya Topping Chrysanthemum Huanmiao, should be carried out in a timely manner for the first time Topping, leaving 5-6 leaves. After Topping the first time, have a general 3 branches, as the cut-flower chrysanthemum cultivation can be carried out twice Topping, resulting in a 5-6 branches, most of the rest of the branches should be removed in a timely manner so as to avoid excessive consumption of plant nutrition. Flower bud, after squaring, according to the need to be cultivated in a timely manner to all of the following side of the main Lei Lei removed in order to train a good quality of cut flowers; if the long train of cut chrysanthemum can be multi-lateral lei leave some; 4, lodging frame network When the plants grow to about 30-40 cm, should be set up in a timely manner to mobile 1-2 layers of nylon net Third, light-Ju as the production technology Light is as chrysanthemum flowers for the regulation of effective measures, mainly for The Story of Qiu (Short-day conditions, the chrysanthemum flower), using light to extend the time to postpone the flower bud, and aimed to achieve control of flowering time. Light control: The Story of Qiu colonization, the sunshine for less than 12 hours, began to extend the use of light at night time. Taiwanese general areas in a 100-watt incandescent chrysanthemum from the point of exposure to 1 m, 4-5 at home a Kalahari, 23:00 to 2:00 pm every day night light 3 hours, according to plant growth and a high degree of Cultivation time to market and the illumination of the date of the decision in a row, from the general cessation of light to the flowering time of 90-100 days. Story of Qiu is a strong sensitivity to light plants, the continuity of light, the light intensity of the light time to determine whether the production of light-Ju as successful. Fourth, pest and disease control 1, Infectious Diseases: There are chrysanthemum leaf spot, leaf spot and black spot, and so on, can be mancozeb, Tuobu Jin, carbendazim, and other prevention and treatment. 2, pests: aphids are, McGregor, Grub, should be on prevention and treatment in a timely manner to remove weeds and reduce the parasitic pests, spraying omethoate, dichlorvos, dicofol, and so on.一、繁殖方法 秋菊一般采用扦插繁殖,在定植前的20天,闽南地区多采用露地加遮阳措施,基质要求排水良好、通气 。
插穗取菊花的生长点,要求插穗健壮、无病虫害,半叶修剪法;或去掉1/3-1/2的叶片,然后密密扦插于插床上,插的深度为插穗长的1/3;菊花一般扦插2周左右即可生根,生根后的插条应逐渐增加光照和通风; 二、栽培管理 1、土壤条件 菊花喜欢肥沃及排水良好PH值6.5-7.2土壤,忌连作 。每亩施入腐熟堆肥4000公斤-5000公斤,复合肥20公斤 。
深翻土壤后耙平,种植畦宽0.6-0.8米,高0.3-0.4米 。2、定植 扦插生根后半个月应及时定植,一般从扦插到定植25-30天;定植的株行距为20厘米*15厘米 。