
1. 小这个字用英语怎么写 小 [ xiǎo] smallyoungtinyfew更多相关:例句与用法:小女孩立志要做一名科学家 。
The young girl aspired to be a scientist 。这个小男孩能够数到一千 。
The little boy can count up to a thousand 。“Micro”这个词的意思是“小”,Microclimate"是指小区域里的气候条件 。
【小胖的英文怎么写】 Micro means small, and microclimate refers to the climate conditions over a small area 。我在一家小公司工作 。
I work in a small company 。那个小贩试图卖给我一些小东西 。
The peddler tried to sell me some small articles 。他住在一个舒适的小屋里 。
He lives in a cosy little room 。
2. 26个小写英文字母分别象什么 A电视塔(大写)B大胖子(大写),C敲破的蛋(大写),D弓(大写),E龙,F没几根毛的牙刷(大写),G残疾人标志(大写)H一截栅栏(大写),I晒衣杆,(大写),J拐杖(大写),K一个靠在墙上的人(大写),L没腿的凳子(大写),M兔子耳朵(大写),N一座山和一个峭壁(大写),O皮球(大写),P旗子(大写),Q一只背过去的小胖老鼠(大写),R一个把手背在后面正在蹲马步的人(大写),S一条虫(大写),T雨伞(大写),U水桶(大写),V衣服夹子(大写),W两个发夹(大写),X作业本子上的叉(大写),Y一棵树(大写),Z折叠式架子(大写) 。
3. 爱丽儿公主的故事英文版怎么写 爱冒险,有着世界上最美的歌喉
Love adventure, has the best voice in the world
作为一条可爱的小美人鱼,爱丽儿公主向往的却是人鱼法律禁止她们接触的人类世界 。她聪明,美丽,非常勇敢,爱冒险,几乎可以用探险家来形容她 。她是大海之王川顿国王最心爱的女儿,因为她有着世界上最美妙的歌喉 。她最好的朋友是小比目鱼小胖和音乐大臣赛巴斯丁 。她乐于收集一切人类世界的东西,虽然她不知道怎么用 。在又一次的探险中,她救起了几乎溺水的亚力克王子并对他一见钟情 。而她的一腔热情也让恶毒的海底女巫乌苏拉有机可趁,可是父亲的智慧保护了她,终于愿望成真 。
As a cute little mermaid, ariel princess yearning is mermaid law forbids them contact with the human world. She is beautiful, very smart, brave, love adventure, almost can use the explorer to describe her. She is the sea of wang chuan, the king's favorite daughter, because she has the most wonderful thing in the world. Her best friend is flounder xiao pang and music minister Sebastian. She is happy to collect all the things in the human world, though she doesn't know how to use. In another adventure, she made a almost drowning Aleck prince and fall in love at first sight to him. And one of her enthusiasm also let evil organic in the bottom of the sea witch Ursula, but the wisdom of his father to protect her, finally wishes come true.

