英语备课怎么写( 三 )

学生的积极参与,体现了教师驾驭课堂的能力 。] 三、新授 T: Shh… Look there, (point to the screen of a computer) I play… Ss: …play table-tennis T: Great! Do you want to know what kind of the ball Ken plays ? Ss: Sure/Yes. T: Let's study a new lesson----Lesson6(1). (Blackboard Writing) (Ss look at the computer about the content of L6(1)) T: (T puts some kinds of balls on the wall and points to them) Look there, what's that ? Ss: It's a volleyball. Girls: It's a basketball. Boys: It's a football.(table-tennis) ( Girls ask and boys answer .) T: (T puts 3 cards on the blackboard and points to one of them, asks…) Now, look, what's that ? S: Bat. T: Good. (Blackboard writing—Bat.) Read after me, “bat”. ( Read it one by one.) Together, please spell it . Ss: B-A-T, bat. (Learn another 2 words “baseball \glove” in the same way. ) T: (T takes two gloves) OK. Look at me, “one glove” “two gloves” Girls: Gloves. Boys: Gloves. T: What are these? ( Waving two gloves ) They're gloves. ( Blackboard writing ) [评:新知传授环节,教师给学生一个整体的感知的教学思路,让学生了解学习的全过程及学习的知识,使其能灵活地把握学习的主动权,从而充分体现了素质教育的宗旨 。
] 四、操练 T: (T takes two books or pens of Ss) What are they ? Ss: They're books. S1: What are they ? S2: They're pens. Boys: What are they ? Girls: They're desks. ( Ss practice the sentences in pairs) [评:教师使用学生日常学习用品对所学新知识进行操练,以旧带新,以新温旧,一举两得 。] 五、复习巩固 T: (T puts a card on S1's head and let him/ her guess.) Ss: What are they ? S1: They're… Ss: Yes.Yes.Yes. / No.No.No T: (T takes some things) What's this? Ss: It's a bat It's a baseball T: What are they ? Ss: They're gloves. T: Can you play baseball ? ( Blackboard writing.) S1: Yes, I can. S2: Yes, I can. T: Wonderful! Please show us how to play baseball? ( S1 and S2 do the action) T: Please。
3. 英语教案应该怎么写 需要将分析过程写下来,还有重点
一、写课题(Topic)和课型(Lesson Type)
课题相当于文章的标题,讲课时要首先告诉学生,并写在黑板上 。因此要写得准确 。课型是指该节课的讲授类型 。初中英语的主要课型有::新授课(New lesson)、巩固课(Reinforcement Lesson)、复习课(Revision Lesson)、语音课(Phonetic Lesson)、听力课(Listening Lesson)、听说课(Aural-Oral Lesson)、阅读课(Reading Lesson)、语法课(Grammar Lesson)等 。不同的课型应用不同的授课方式或方法,只有确定了课型,才能选择有效的素质教育教学方法 。
二、写教学目标(Teaching Objective)
教学目标是教案的核心内容,是教师施教的准绳 。教学目标要符合大纲对教材的要求 。由于教学目标要在课堂上展示给学生,让学生明确,所以写素质教育目标时,要力求简明扼要,浅显易懂,便于操作和检测,一般3~4个目标为宜 。
三、写教学的重点(Main/focal Points)、难点(Difficult Points)和关键点(Key Points)
教学重点是课堂教学的主要任务;教学难点是师生顺利完成教学任务的障碍;素质教学关键是攻克教学难点的突破口 。在教案中写清一节课的教学重点、难点和关键点,能提醒教师在讲课时注意突出重点、突破难点、抓住关键 。
四、写教具(Teaching Tools)
课堂上需要什么教具要写清楚,如录音机、教材录音带、教学挂图、卡片、实物(或模型)、小黑板、刻印好的练习题、彩色粉笔、幻灯片等 。
五、写教学过程(Teaching Procedure)
教学过程是教案的主要部分 。写教学过程主要写以下几方面的内容:
1、写教学环节 。教学环节即教学任务是什么要写清楚,做到心中有数 。目前有些教师采用"三阶段六环节"教学模式,即:准备阶段(自由交流、复习检查)、讲练阶段(导入课程、分层操练)和发展阶段(巩固发展、布置作业) 。