
1. 一般交货条件英文怎么写 一般交货条件
[词典] [经] general conditions of delivery goods;
【条件的英文怎么写】conditions 英[k?n'd??nz] 美[k?n'd??nz]
n. 状况; 环境; (居住、工作或做事情的) 环境; (影响某事发生的) 物质环境; <;保险>;承保险别; 条件( condition的名词复数 ); 健康状况;
[例句]All the necessary conditions were fulfilled.
所有必要的条件都满足了 。
2. 有条件做某事用英语怎么说 conditional
have conditions in doing sth
be able to
be capable of
1 But any cease-fire must have conditions in it so that Hamas does not use Gaza as a place from which to launch rockets, " he said. "
但是任何停火必须有条件,让哈马斯不能利用加沙为发射火箭弹的基地 。
2 It was disappointing not to be able to see her.
不能见到她真令人失望 。

