
1. 用英文介绍小米粥 小米即粟米 , 能开肠胃 , 补虚损 , 益丹田 , 可用于气血亏损 , 体质虚弱 , 胃纳欠佳者进补 , 适于产妇乳少 , 产后虚损而引起的乏力倦怠 , 饮食不香 , 可作早餐食用 。
冬春季小米粥更适于产妇 。小米含有多种维生素、氨基酸、脂肪和碳水化合物 , 营养价值较高 , 每100克小米含蛋白质9.7克、脂肪3.5克 , 都不低于稻、麦 。
一般粮食中不含有的胡萝卜素 , 而小米每100克含量达0.12毫克 , 维生素B1的含量位居所有粮食之首 。小米含糖也很高 , 每百克含糖72.8克 , 产热量比大米高许多 。
因此 , 对于老弱病人和产妇来说 , 小米可以说是最理想不过的滋补品 。我国北方许多妇女在生育后 , 都有用小米加红糖来调养身体的传统 。
小米熬粥营养价值丰富 , 有“代参汤”之美称 。小米之所以受到产妇的青睐 , 皆因同等重量的小米中含铁量比大米高一倍 , 维生素B1比大米高1.5~3.5倍、维B2高1倍 , 而现在被称为第七营养素的纤维素更比大米高出2~7倍 。
因其含铁量高 , 所以对于产妇产后滋阴养血大有功效 , 可以使产妇虚寒的体质得到调养 , 帮助她们恢复体力 。在工作压力之下 , 现代人胃部不适已成通病 , 每逢吃饭时 , 没胃口、没食欲成了许多人的口头禅 , 而帮助消化、增加胃动力的各种药物更是在电视广告中大行其道 。
其实 , 有一样健胃食品是最绿色也最没有副作用的 , 那就是小米 。《本草纲目》说 , 小米“治反胃热痢 , 煮粥食 , 益丹田 , 补虚损 , 开肠胃” 。
而中医亦讲小米“和胃温中” , 认为小米味甘咸 , 有清热解渴、健胃除湿、和胃安眠等功效 , 内热者及脾胃虚弱者更适合食用它 。有的人胃口不好 , 吃了小米后能开胃又能养胃 , 具有健胃消食、防止反胃、呕吐的功效 。
小米因富含维生素B1、B2等 , 还具有防止消化不良及口角生疮的功能 。小米粥是健康食品 , 可单独煮熬 , 亦可添加大枣、红豆、红薯、莲子、百合等 , 熬成风味各异的营养粥 。
小米磨成粉 , 可制糕点 , 美味可口 。不过 , 需要注意的是 , 小米的蛋白质营养价值并不比大米更好 , 因为小米蛋白质的氨基酸组成并不理想 , 赖氨酸过低而亮氨酸又过高 , 所以不论是产妇 , 还是老弱人群 , 都不能完全以小米为主食 , 应注意搭配 , 以免缺乏其他营养 。
Millet or corn, able to stomach, fill Empty damages, hypogastric benefits can be used for blood loss, physical weakness, poor appetite tonic, less suitable for maternal milk, postpartum Empty damages burnout caused by fatigue, diet does not Shannon and can be used for eating breakfast. Winter and spring more suitable for small watery maternal. Millet contains a variety of vitamins, amino acids, fats and carbohydrates, a higher nutritional value, each containing 100 grams of millet protein 9.7 grams, 3.5 grams fat, no less favorable than the rice and wheat. General food does not contain some carotene, and millet content of 100 grams per 0.12 mg, vitamin B1 content of the first rank of all food. Millet is also high sugar, 72.8 grams sugar Each hectogram, heat production is much higher than rice. Therefore, the elderly, the infirm, sick and maternity, the millet can be said to be ideal tonic. Many women in northern China after giving birth, there are small brown sugar to be nursed back to health physically Mega tradition. The nutritional value of millet Cooking gruel rich, there is "on behalf of Decoction" on the name. Millet reason favored by mothers, because the same weight of iron than rice, millet in twice as high, vitamin B1 than rice 1.5 ~ 3.5 times the one-dimensional high-B2-fold, and now known as the seventh nutrients fiber more than rice Su-2 ~ 7 times higher. Because of their high iron content, so the post-natal maternal great Ziyin Yangxue efficacy, maternal cold can be the physical tone, helping them to recuperate. At work under pressure, stomach upset people have become common, every meal, no appetite, no appetite has become a pet phrase of many people, and help digestion, increase the gastric motility of a variety of drugs are more popular in television advertising . In fact, there is the same as the stomach food is the most green and most no side-effects, that is millet. "Compendium of Materia Medica," Say, millet "governance nausea hot dysentery,Cooking gruel food, hypogastric benefits to make up for Empty damages, the stomach." And Chinese medicine also stresses millet "and the temperature in the stomach," think millet salty sweet, thirst-quenching has Qingre, stomachic dehumidification, and stomach, such as the efficacy of sleep, heat and weak spleen and stomach to eat it more suitable. Some people bad appetite, ate millet can Yangwei after the appetizer has Jianweixiaoshi to prevent nausea, vomiting effect. Millet due to vitamin B1, B2, etc., but also to prevent indigestion and mouth sores function. Small congee is a healthy food, individually cooked Endure can also add dates, red beans, sweet potato, lotus。