
1. 用英语怎么写失物招领 招领启示:一个戒指,找John 电话号码:3539495
I found a //// ,is it your ///,if it is your /// ,please call
/// at 3539495
寻物:一个手表 失主是Steve 电话:6034685
I lost a watch,if you found my watch,please call Steve at 6034685.Thank you very much!
2. 失物招领用英语怎么写 Lost and found 。
lost and found
英 [l?:st ?nd faund] 美 [l?st ?nd fa?nd]
失而复得;[法] 失物招领
1、Is this your computer game in the lost and found case? No, it isn't.
在失物招领处那是你的电脑游戏机吗?不,它不是 。
2、There's a lost and found?
3、I think you should return it to its rightful owner or put it in the lost and found.
我认为应将其返回给其合法主人或把它放在失物招领处 。
4、I can see many things in the lost and found case.
我能看到失物招领箱里有很多东西 。
5、Is this the right way to the lost and found office?
3. 失物招领英文怎么写 失物招领的开头应该是Lost and Found
下面另起一行写明需要认领的物体的名称,特征等相关信息,最后别忘了留下联系人的信息及时间等就ok啦 。
失物招领:lost and found
例句:Is this the right way to the lost and found office?
Where is the lost and found?
They'll direct you to the Lost and Found department.
他们会指引你到失物招领处 。
4. 英语失物招领的范文怎么写 失物招领 标题:Found(中间位置)日期:Sep. 6, 2012 (写在右上角)正文:I happened to find a Chinese dictionary in our school this afternoon, inside which there are some cards and other things. Loser is expected to call me by 223--4567 to claim it.署名:Finder Sonia (写在右下方) (今天下午在学校捡到一本汉语词典,内有几张卡片 。
请失者给我拨打电话 223--4567 认领为盼 。) 寻物启事 标题:Lost 日期:Sep. 6, 2012 (写在右上角)正文:I was careless and lost my student's identity card when studying in the reading room yesterday. Will the finder please to ring me up by 520--2268 to fetch it back. 署名:Loser Mike (写在右下方) (本人不慎于昨天在阅览室遗失学生证,拾者请给我拨打电话520--2268 通知我去领取,不甚感激) 。
5. 失物招领用英语怎么写 Lost and found 。
lost and found 英 [l?:st ?nd faund] 美 [l?st ?nd fa?nd] 失而复得;[法] 失物招领 例句: 1、Is this your computer game in the lost and found case? No, it isn't. 在失物招领处那是你的电脑游戏机吗?不,它不是 。2、There's a lost and found? 这儿有失物招领箱么? 3、I think you should return it to its rightful owner or put it in the lost and found. 我认为应将其返回给其合法主人或把它放在失物招领处 。
4、I can see many things in the lost and found case. 我能看到失物招领箱里有很多东西 。5、Is this the right way to the lost and found office? 去失物招领处这样走对吗? 。
6. 英语怎么写寻人启示 和失物招领 寻人启示
My son/father/cat 。is missing. I last saw him on 时间 at home.
长相描述:He is about 40 years old and has black short hair. His skin color is a little dark. He was wearing black pants and brown jacket when he left home.
If any one see him or have clue about where he is, please contact me at 9999999. We will offer ¥3000 for person who offers useful information.
I have a XXX(东西) found at XXX(地点) on XXX(时间). The owner of this XXX pleasse contact me at 9999999.