1. 智障,用英语怎么说 mental retardation(脑力迟钝,脑力发育迟缓,智力迟钝,智力落后,精神发育阻滞)
智力障碍(MR)一般指的是由于大脑受到器质性的损害或是由于脑发育不完全从而造成认识活动的持续障碍以及整个心理活动的障碍 。
mental retardation例句:
【智障英文怎么写的】1、The risk of mental retardation and disturbed behaviour.
智力迟钝和行为失常的可能危险 。
2、In the process of aging, creatures showed early symptoms such as memory impairment, mental retardation.
生物在老化过程中,表现出记忆减退、智力障碍等早期症状 。
1、The program is designed to test a candidate's physical and mental limits.
特训的目的是要测试候选人的体能和精神极限 。
2、Mental fitness is like physical fitness.
精神健康就像身体健康一样 。
3、The real adventure of travel is mental.
旅行中,真正的冒险应该是精神上的 。
2. 智障的英语怎么说翻译:智障的秘密.智障指 智障
mentally handicapped;amentia更多释义>>
智障 mentally retarded;mentally handicapped;amentia
智障男童 mentally disabled boy
智障儿童 intelligence challenged chil-dren;retarded children;mentally retarded children
3. 智障儿童用英语怎么说 1、children with mental retardation
The balancing ability and leg strength of children with mental retardation are normally lower than that of children with normal intelligence.
通过对智障儿童下肢力量、动态平衡能力及静态平衡能力的测试,分析探讨智障儿童下肢力量与平衡能力的关系 。
2、retarded children
Practical study of the compensation of whole brain type physical education teaching for the defects of retarded children;
This study attempts to solve the problems in Chinese teaching of retarded children with the assistance of computer.
在智障儿童语文教学中运用计算机进行辅助教学来解决问题 。
3、children with dysnoesia
Analysis of features of children with dysnoesia s brainstem auditory evoked potential;
4、mild and severe mental-retarded
5、child intelligence quotient
6、mentally retarded children
1.The availability of using the mean length of utterances to measure the language development of mentally retarded children;
4. 智障儿童用英语怎么说 1、children with mental retardation 智障儿童 The balancing ability and leg strength of children with mental retardation are normally lower than that of children with normal intelligence. 通过对智障儿童下肢力量、动态平衡能力及静态平衡能力的测试,分析探讨智障儿童下肢力量与平衡能力的关系 。
2、retarded children 智障儿童 Practical study of the compensation of whole brain type physical education teaching for the defects of retarded children; 全脑型体育教学对智障儿童缺陷补偿的实践研究 This study attempts to solve the problems in Chinese teaching of retarded children with the assistance of computer. 在智障儿童语文教学中运用计算机进行辅助教学来解决问题 。3、children with dysnoesia 智力障碍儿童 Analysis of features of children with dysnoesia s brainstem auditory evoked potential; 智力障碍儿童的脑干听觉诱发电位特点分析 4、mild and severe mental-retarded 中重度智障儿童 5、child intelligence quotient 儿童智商 6、mentally retarded children 弱智儿童 1.The availability of using the mean length of utterances to measure the language development of mentally retarded children; 以句长衡量弱智儿童语言发展水平的可行性分析 。