
1. 8的英文怎么写 8的英文是:eight 。
eight 发音:英 [e?t] 美 [e?t]
eight 释义:n.八;八个;第八八;八人(或物)一组;八人划船队
eight 双语例句:
【第八怎么写英语】1、He slept eight hours.
他睡了八个小时 。
2、I was with my husband for eight years in total
我和丈夫在一起的时间总共有8年 。
3、He ruled for eight months.
他统治了8个月的时间 。
eight 短语:
1、the eight diagrams 八卦
2、group of eight 八国集团(指美、德、英、法、意、加、日、俄八国组成的国际经济同盟)
3、the eight immortals八仙(中国传统神化人物)
4、eight ball 八号球;球形全向传声器
一、eight的序数词:eighth 。
eighth 英 [e?tθ] 美 [etθ ,  eθ]
num.八分之一;第八 , 八号 。
adv.第八;八分之一;<;音>;八分音符 。
n.八分之一;第八个;(每月的)第八日 。
his will be his eighth title bout in 19 months.
这将是他19个月里的第8次卫冕赛 。
1、从1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten 。
2、从 11——19 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen 。
2. 8用英语怎么写 8:05用英语表示为:
eight five/five past ten.
所有的时间都可以用“小时 + 分钟”直接读:
6:10 six ten、8:30 eight thirty、2:40 two forty
如果所表述的时间在半小时之内 , 可以用“分钟 + past + 小时”:
6:10 ten past six、4:20 twenty past four、10:25 twenty-five past ten
如果所表述的时间在半小时之外 , 可以用“(相差的)分钟 + to + (下一)小时”: 10:35 twenty-five to eleven、5:50 ten to six、9:49 eleven to ten
如果所表述的时间恰好为半小时 , 可以用“half + past + 小时”:
11:30 half past eleven、2:30 half past two
如果所表述的分钟和15有关 , 就有三种表达法:
(15分钟又叫一刻钟:a quarter)
9:15 - nine fifteen fifteen past nine a quarter past nine
3:45 - three forty-five fifteen to four a quarter to four
现在是两点整 。
It's two.、It's two o'clock.、It's two o'clock sharp.、It's two o'clock on the dot.、It's two o'clock on the nose.、It's exactly two o'clock.
另外英语中的 noon 和 midnight 可分别直接表示白天和夜晚的12点:
It's (twelve) noon. 现在是中午十二点 。It's (twelve) midnight. 现在是半夜零点 。
It's almost two. 马上到两点了 。、It's not quite two. 还不到两点 。、It's just after two. 刚过两点 。
若想表明是上午 , 可在时间后加上a.m. , 如:
thirteen past six a.m.(上午六点十三分) 。
若想表明是下午 , 可在时间后加上p.m. , 如:
four o'clock p.m.(下午四点) 。
1. It's nine forty-five. (It's a quarter to ten.)
2. It's two seventeen. (It's seventeen past two.)
3. It's three. (It's three o'clock.)
4. It's nine thirty. (It's half past nine.)
5. It's six fifteen. (It's a quarter past six.)
6. It's three fifty. (It's ten to four.)
3. 8的英文怎么写 最低0.27元开通文库会员 , 查看完整内容> 原发布者:hlshj002 英语8—IwasrobbedwhenIwastravellinginIndia. —Iamsorrytohearthat.________________.选择一项:A.Indiainaniceplace.B.ItseemsthatgotravellingaloneinIndiaisnotthatsafeforayoungladylikeyou. C.IloveIndia.反馈你的回答正确解析:本题考核“谈论犯罪” 。