
1. 严肃的英语单词怎么写 serious
1. 严重的;危急的;令人担心的
His error is serious.
他的错误很严重 。
2. 严肃的,庄严的
He was kind and affectionate, but very serious.
他仁慈、亲切,但非常严肃 。
3. 认真的;不是开玩笑的;当真的[(+about/in)]
I was pretty serious in what I said at dinner.
我晚餐时说的话是当真的 。
4. 重要的;须认真对待的
Getting married is a serious matter.
结婚是件大事 。
5. (文学,音乐等)严肃的,非供消遣(或娱乐)的
The play was amusingly written, but its subject was a serious one.
剧本写得风趣逗笑,但其主题则是严肃的 。
6. 宗教的;伦理学的
7. 热衷的,极感兴趣的[(+about)]
He is not serious about literature.
他对文学不感兴趣 。
2. 死神,英文单词怎么写 死神:
1.Azrael 死神,死的天使
2.the King of Terrors死神
3. Death
1. 死神常被画成骷髅.
【救单词怎么写】Death is often shown in pictures as a human skeleton.
2. 仁慈的国王把两个年青的军官从死神手中救了出来 。
The merciful king saved the young officers from death.
3. 死神在敲门,接近死亡 。
Death knocks at the door.
4. 【谚】死神面前,人人平等 。
The end makes all equal
3. “死神”英文单词怎么写 死神:
1.Azrael 死神,死的天使2.the King of Terrors死神
3. Death
1. 死神常被画成骷髅.
Death is often shown in pictures as a human skeleton.
2. 仁慈的国王把两个年青的军官从死神手中救了出来 。
The merciful king saved the young officers from death.
3. 死神在敲门,接近死亡 。
Death knocks at the door.
4. 【谚】死神面前,人人平等 。
The end makes all equal