
1. 视力的英文怎么写啊 视力的英文:vision
读音:英 ['v??n] 美 ['v??n]
n. 视力;视觉;幻觉;眼光;洞察力;想象力
v. 幻想;设想
1、have the vision 有远见
2、acute vision 灵敏的视觉
3、keen vision 敏锐的眼光
4、field of vision 视野
1、I've had my eyes tested and the report says that my vision is perfect.
我去检查眼睛,根据报告我视力极佳 。
2、A mental vision of success would help produce real success.
头脑中成功的想象会有助于取得实际的成功 。
3、She had a vision in which God seemed to appear before her.
她在幻觉中看到上帝似乎出现在她眼前 。
4、We must not laugh at the romantic visions of youth.
我们切不可嘲笑年轻人不切实际的幻想 。
14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自盎格鲁法语的visioun,意为想象中的事物;最初源自古典拉丁语的visionem,意为看的行为 。
vision,eyesight,sight,perception这些名词均含“视力、视觉”之意 。区别在于:
vision书面用词,含义广泛,指人的视力或视野,也可指远见卓识 。
【视觉的英文怎么写】eyesight普通用词,指眼睛的正常功能 。
sight普通用词,与eyesight同义,可换用,指由实实在在的事物引起的视觉 。
perception指视觉,也可泛指其它器官的功能,或引申指敏锐的理解力 。
2. 岁月视觉英文怎么写 岁月的视觉
Vision of time
经过岁月的洗礼,老字号企业形象已形成独特的直观性与视觉冲击力 。
After years of baptism, old corporate image has become a unique and intuitive visualimpact.
轻狂岁月 Basquiat
岁月流逝 Time Slip ; As Time Goes By ; Long time gone ; Days Go By
蹉跎岁月 And I'm wastin' everyday ; Wasted time ; Tormented by the Past
无论是摩尔还是其竞争者,至今都还没有突破摩尔定律,我们完全有理由相信,在我们剩余的工作生活岁月中,他们将继续遵循这一定律 。
Neither Moore nor his competitors have yet to break Moore's Law, and there is every reason to believe they will continue to deliver on it for the rest of our workinglives.
3. 岁月视觉英文怎么写 岁月的视觉Vision of time经过岁月的洗礼,老字号企业形象已形成独特的直观性与视觉冲击力 。
After years of baptism, old corporate image has become a unique and intuitive visualimpact.轻狂岁月 Basquiat岁月流逝 Time Slip ; As Time Goes By ; Long time gone ; Days Go By蹉跎岁月 And I'm wastin' everyday ; Wasted time ; Tormented by the Past无论是摩尔还是其竞争者,至今都还没有突破摩尔定律,我们完全有理由相信,在我们剩余的工作生活岁月中,他们将继续遵循这一定律 。Neither Moore nor his competitors have yet to break Moore's Law, and there is every reason to believe they will continue to deliver on it for the rest of our workinglives. 希望能帮助到你,望采纳!! 。

