
1. 外贸新手,给客户的周末问候邮件怎么写 Dear ***,
Hope everything goes well with you and your business !
Tks for your inquiry dated on ***, this is**(your name) from**(your company),hope you still remember me.Regarding to our offer which we quoted to you,should you have any queries pls do feel free to contact with us,we will do our utmost to support you.
Have a nice weekend !
2. 怎么写问候信给客户 Dear Sir How are you ? Hope everything is ok with you all along. Today , we are writing for keeping in touch with you for further business. If any new inquiry , welcome here and i will try my best to satisfy you well with competitive prices as per your reqeust. XXX this is our website for your reference . By the way , we are enclosing our latest pricelist to you for your reference , please be kindly check it and let us know if you have any requests. Good Day & Good Luck XXX 。
3. 请问要怎么写一封问候客户的信 我平时是这样问候老客户的,呵呵 问候,商务一举两得Dear,Hope you have a good day!Long time no news from each other ,hope everything is ok with you all along.Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for your further business,if you have any new project,welcome your inquiry,and I will try my best to satisfy you well with the conpetitive price!If you have any comments,pls contact me freely!Looking forward to your exciting news!Kindest regards,Sincerely,XXXX 。
4. 给客户发邮件结束语怎么写 用于商界结束语:即请 、财安、敬候 筹安、顺颂筹祺 。
常见不少人在信的结尾同时写上几种问候,诸如“祝好”、“祝一切顺利”、“祝工作愉快”等等(还有用英文写best regards,all the best,ha*e a nice day) 。其实,一句最恰当的结语即可 。
有时候,很明显地可以看出发件人事先设置好了签名档,里面已有问候,那么在发送之前务必仔细检查,否则会给人留下粗心的印象 。
避免上述情况的方法,可以在签名档中去掉问候语,只留签名和联络方式,因为大多时候的问候是因人而异的 。
5. 如何给客户发祝福邮件(英文) 用英文给客户发电子邮件,是现代商务领域和顾客互动互惠的有效手段之一,在节日或者客户生日或者其它有纪念意义的日子给客户发祝福邮件,更能加强与老顾客的练习,从而为将来的业务拓展和人脉积累打下牢固的基础 。写祝福邮件的要求有一下几点要求:
1 正确称呼客户,Mr,Mrs,Lady,Ms等词前加上客套的dear一词不能少 。
2 简洁扼要写明你发祝福邮件的内容,切忌冗长 。常言说,浪费别人的时间等于谋财害命 。
3 正文后的祝福语要符合客户身份,即不能太过亲昵,显得暧昧轻浮,也不能太严肃庄重,让人觉得烦闷冗长 。
4 写出公司以及公司CEO的全名作为签名,以示对客户的尊敬,同时让客户对你们公司留下深刻印象 。

