
1. 喜爱的恐龙用英文怎么写 暴龙(又名霸王龙)是我最喜欢的恐龙 , 它是一种大型的肉食性恐龙 , 身长约13公尺 , 体重约7公吨 , 生存于白垩纪末期的马斯垂克阶最后300万年 , 距今约6850万年到6550万年.它也是白垩纪-第三纪灭绝事件前最后的恐龙种群之一.
【恐龙单词怎么写】Tyrannosaurus is my favourite dinosaur.It is a large carnivorous dinosaur, its body length of 13 meters and weighing about 7 tons, lived in the end of the Cretaceous Maastrichtian and last for 3 millions years, since about 68.5 million years to 65.5 million years.The tyrannosaurus is one of the last dinosaur species before the events of Cretaceous - Tertiary extinction.