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2. 求助英文翻译 Management is the first incentive functions. Along with the rapid development of scientific technology, the overall quality of the staff of gradually raise, the competition between the enterprises finally shown in talent competition. How to attract, develop, and incentive talents, become the most important state enterprises and the most difficult work. The state-owned enterprise only by establishing scientific incentive mechanism, can make the enterprise allow full vigor, and constantly get competitive advantage. Therefore, the enterprise incentive problems, has very important practical significance.Incentive is actually a make individual goals and enterprise target to the agreement, and thus to realize the goal of enterprise at the same time, their own some need to process. Therefore, we must understand employees need to motivate employees, identify incentive factors, and then put forward JiLiLi type. The paper reviewed the overseas theory research, basically have maslow's hierarchy of needs, Odysseus put ERG theory, Abram achievement motivation theory, bulge herzberg incentive a health factors.From the point of view of management theory, the essence of need is a kind of mental state, press the source of satisfaction from classification, can be divided into the internal and external need to. Need to cause motivation, motivation to change behavior. Therefore, understanding the needs of all employees is the premise of the incentives. Incentive factors can be divided into internal incentive factors and external incentives. Internal incentive factors is to point to the job itself interesting, challenging and PeiYangXing: external incentive factors is to point to to meet the external need to reward resources, divided into material incentive factors and spiritual incentive factors.Establish enterprise incentive mechanism, enterprise employees should be aimed at the inner need and external need, make full use of incentive factors, the intrinsic motivation and external incentives to combine up to play good incentive effect. Work more colorful, training system, career development plan can make full use of the internal incentive mode. Work more colorful refers to by improving work design, to increase the job itself of stimulating and challenging, which can improve the work efficiency, and promote the staff's satisfaction.With modern enterprise competition deeply, employee training has become the modern enterprise to keep energetic, adapt to the development of science and technology staff and must invest their resources activities, and encourage employees to become the kind of force type. Material incentive is the foundation of humanistic management, enterprise can from the salary system, the welfare system, employee shareholding three aspects, strengthen the role of material incentive. Salary system embodies the enterprise employees on material incentive, can attract and retain, incentive enterprise required human resources, which is the core of enterprise incentive mechanism. Salary system providing fair and reasonable, foreign to more competitive. The conclusions of the paper is, for in the fierce competition environment better survival and development, the enterprise should establish a scientific incentive mechanism, and takes it as a starting point, enhances the enterprise the level of human resources management. 。