
1. 关于向日葵的英语作文 Sunflowers
【英语向日葵怎么写】Sunflowers are grown in many parts of the world now, but they were grown in the North America at first,they came to China in about Ming Dinasty. the flowers are yellow,from morning to nignt, they always turn round with the sun and face the sun,so they get the name __ sunflowers.the farmers plant the seeds in spring,if there are enougn water and sunshine,they may grow very fast, they may be higher than strong men, the flowers are very beartiful, all the farmland are golden, after about 80 days, the farmers can harvest the sunflowers. The seeds are very delicious and useful.
There are many famous pictures about sunflowers, they are the national flower of Russia.
2. 向日葵英文怎么写 “向日葵”和“向日葵女孩”的英文分别是:sunflower和Sunflower girl 。
【例句】:The sunflower turns towards the sun. 向日葵向着太阳 。“I am what you need, ” said a golden sunflower. “我就是你们要找的,”一朵金色的向日葵说到 。
Do you know how to turn a simple sunflower seed into a piece of delicious meat?你知道怎么把一个简单的向日葵花籽变成一片片美味的肉吗Cherries, sunflower and flax seeds have traces of this hormone.樱桃,向日葵籽和亚麻籽都含有这种荷尔蒙 。The gods were moved at the sad sight, and changed her into a sunflower.这悲哀的场面令众神感动,于是将她变成了一株向日葵 。
向日葵女孩:Sunflower girl【例句】:Heads up, do a sunflower girl. 抬起头,做一个向日葵般的女子 。He'd said you'd shot up like a sunflower over the summer, called you a girl and grinned. 他曾说过,说茁壮成长的你就像盛夏的向日葵,也龇牙咧嘴地笑着说你是个小姑娘 。
A girl on her father's shoulders looks through a maze of sunflowers growing in a field during a three-day sunflower festival in the town of Nogi, Tochigi prefecture, north of Tokyo, on July 24, 2011.一个女孩在她父亲的肩膀看起来通过在外地的增长在2011年7月24日,乃木镇,枥木,东京以北,在为期三天的向日葵节向日葵迷宫 。
3. 英语作文向日葵 I Like Sunflowers
Sunflower is a kind of beautiful flower. It has golden color and a round face. It looks like the sun, that is why people call it sunflower. Besides, it looks
like a warm smile, too. When you look at it, it seems smile to you. It can bring warm to people. So, I like sunflower very much. During the day, its face
turns to the sun all the time. When autumn comes, it is ripe. Therefore, we can eat its seeds. They are very delicious.

