
1. "迷上"用英语怎么说【迷用英语怎么写】 迷上be bitten withsold onhooked onobsession withbe crazy about 迷上madly cling to[美俚] 迷上了be queer for[俚] 迷上 [爱上] 某人have a case on我迷上了她 。
I am crazy about her她迷上了爵士音乐.She's potty about jazz.我儿子迷上了足球 。My son is into football她真的迷上了园艺She's really hooked on gardening我的确迷上了溜冰 。
I'm really sold on skating.所有的女同学都迷上了那位新来的数学教师.All the girls are swooning over the new maths teacher他半年前就迷上了计算机了His obsession with computers began six months ago 。

