
1. 改变.英语单词怎么写 改变的英语单词是change,详细信息如下:
change 英 [t?e?nd?] 美 [t?end?]
It is a complex system, but it certainly makes a change
这是个复杂的体系,不过确实有所改变 。
2. 要改变】英语怎么说 要改变就是change/To change相关例句:1.要改变这个世界,你要先改变自己 。
To change your world, you must change yourself.2.想一想 。要改变一个习惯会需要什麽?Think. What does it take to change a habit?3.你必须要改变你的思想才能适应世界 。
You must change your mind to change your world.4.转世经纶“我想要改变世界 。I want to change the world!5.这就是我要改变的事情 。
So that is what I would change.6.我为什麽要改变主意呢?Why did I change my mind?7.我告诉自己要改变了 。I tell myself to change.8.要改变的理由是什么?What is the reason to change?9.现在的我认为,我必须要改变对中华民国的看法 。
Today, I think that I must change my opinion about the ROC.10.想象一下,要改变你在用的货币是多么复杂的事 。Imagine how complicated it was to change the kind of money you use.11.不要问怎样才能改变自己,问一下你为什么要改变!Ask not how to change myself, ask why you want to change yourself!12.想要改变力量的平衡,她需要其他性工作者的支持 。
To change the power equation, she needs the support of other sex workers.13.如果我要改变这个形象,我必须首先从改变自我开始 。If I am to change this image, I must first change myself.14.每个人都想要改变世界,但谁都不曾想过要改变自己 。
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself 。. 。

