
1. 如何做汤的英语作文【汤用英语怎么么写】 给你写一份做鸡汤的文章吧 。希望有用
Lightly beat the egg so that no bubbles form
Turn off the heat the minute you begin pouring in the egg (this produces silkier threads)
Pour the egg in a very slow stream (pouring it through the tines of a fork from several inches above the pot is a good way to keep the stream slow and steady)
Begin stirring as soon as you start pouring in the egg
To make shreds or threads, stir rapidly for at least 1 minute
Stir the beaten egg in one direction only
Once you're comfortable making it, you may want to try some variations. West Lake Beef Soup is basically Egg Drop Soup with ground beef added. Similarly, Italian Wedding Soup is a type of egg drop soup with rice, spinach, ground beef and Italian seasonings.

